Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibrahim Samahatusy Alusy rahimahullahu Sheikh said that the woman giving birth has several circumstances:
- Blood nifasnya perfect stop before 40 days and after that did not come out again. So when the blood is stopped / not come out again, the woman must bathe, fasting (if coinciding with Ramadan), and pray (if they have entered the time).
- Blood nifasnya quit before even 40 days, but some time later his blood out again before it is completed within 40 days. In these circumstances, the woman bathing, fasting, and prayer during the cessation of blood. But when the blood is returned exit meant he was still in a state of childbirth, so he had to leave fasting and prayer. He must mengqadha temporary abandonment of obligatory fasting to pray that there is no making up those left behind.
- His blood continuously out to perfection within 40 days. So within a period of 40 days, he was not praying and not fasting. After stopping his blood, did he take a bath, fasting, and prayer.
- His blood come out till after 40 days.
In this case there are two pictures:
1. Blood discharge after 40 days and coincided with the time her menstrual habits, which means he menstruation after childbirth. So he waited until completed her menstrual period, a new purification.
2. The exit of blood does not coincide with her menstrual habits. Then he showered after nifasnya perfect for 40 days, he was working on fasting and prayer even though blood was still out.
- If this event three times, namely after each birth, the birth of the first child until the child is the third instance, the blood was always out of more than 40 days means that it is a habit nifasnya. Namely nifasnya period is more than 40 days. During the period of childbirth is more than 40 days, he should not fast, which means he's making up those at another time (when holy), while praying that left no qadhanya.
- When the incidence of blood out of more than 40 days are not repeated, ie, only once, then the blood is not blood but the blood of puerperal istihadhah.
- Regarding the blood continues to exit from a woman giving birth to over 40 days, Fadhilatusy Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen rahimahullahu argued that puerperal women who remain out their blood if more than 40 days in the blood situation has not changed, so if the excess time coincided with the period of menstruation habits have ever experienced (before pregnancy), he must not pray and fast (because of its status she is menstruating).
- If it does not coincide with the time the first menstrual habits, there are differences of opinion among scholars.
- When you have been perfectly within 40 days from the nifasnya, the woman must bathe and pray when you've entered the time even though the blood continues to exit / flowing from his cock, because she is now experiencing istihadhah counted.
- The woman still waiting for the cessation of blood to 60 days, which means he is still a childbed. Because it is women who nifasnya 60-day period. This case is indeed real, there are some women who nifasnya habit for 60 days. Based on this, the woman whose blood is kept out more than 40 days still waiting for his sacred to a maximum of 60 days. Selewatnya than 60 days, if he considers himself menstrual blood still came out in a matter of time / long menstrual habits. Afterwards she showered and prayers even though blood was still out, because this time it counted istihadhah woman.
- According to Al-Lajnah Ad-Da'imah lil Buhuts Al-'Ilmiyyah wal Ifta 'which was chaired Samahatusy Shaykh Abdul' Aziz bin Abdillah bin Baaz rahimahullahu said that the law for women who give birth by cesarean section with the law women others who experience childbirth with normal deliveries. When he saw the blood out of his cock, he left the prayer and fasting until the sacred. When he no longer saw the blood out then he showered, the prayer and fasting as well as the holy women.
- If a woman is pregnant, and bleeding from his cock five days before giving birth in the month of Ramadan, then according to Al-Lajnah Ad-Da'imah lil Buhuts Al-'Ilmiyyah wal Ifta ':
1. If he does not see any signs of going mekelahirkan, such as pain due to childbirth / contraction, then the blood is menstrual blood is not blood, nor childbirth, but the blood of the facade (damaged). According to a saheeh opinion. The woman had not left the church, still the prayer and fasting.
2. If simultaneously with the blood discharge accompanied signs of labor, namely in the form of pain and semisalnya, then it is the blood of puerperal blood, so he does not do much prayer and fasting. When he had finished / sacred from nifasnya after giving birth, she must mengqadha fasting.
Islam is a Religion for the Salvation of the World Muslims and the Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
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