
Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

Islam Helps You

I discussed many persons who were against religion of any kind. I used to ask them three questions. I used ,as well, to invite them to think deeply and clearly before answering my questions. These questions are:

1-Do you think that there is a Creator who has created this universe?

2-Should we worship the Creator of the universe or not?

3-Have you made a comparison between Islam and other doctrines?

As regards the first question, I do not know the reason that makes some people deny the presence of the God. The universe, the sky, the stars, the sea, the air are clear evidences that there is a Creator who has created this universe. The greatness of the universe is a clear evidence that a Great God has created it.

The answer of the first question leads us to the necessity of religion. How can you live in this universe without worshipping the Creator of the universe?

Islam is the true religion. Islam helps you to live in tranquility. Islam achieves the harmony and balance between the soul and the body. Islam leads you to the Heaven in the dayafter. But a lot of non-muslims have got their information about Islam from the writings of anti-Islamic writers. I invite them to read about Islam from the Islamic point of view. I invite them to make a comparison between Islam and other doctrines and I am sure that they will discover the greatness of Islam.

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