
Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

The Difference Between The Muslim Qu'ran And Hadith What Is It?

The Qu'ran is the arch and best angelic book of the Islam faith.The Qu'ran is abounding with revelations from God which were allegedly accustomed to the Muslim astrologer Muhammad. During the revelations, Muhammad would say aloud adumbration and his scribes would address bottomward the words or acquire them. For abounding years the Qu'ran was anesthetized bottomward orally but twenty years afterwards Muhammad's afterlife the abstracted genitalia were brought calm to anatomy the complete accumulating into the Qu'ran.

The Qu'ran is abounding with letters of advance ,parables and belief which are accounting partly in book and verse. These revelations acquaint the apple of the one God, his article and approaching acumen which will booty abode at the end of time. The words in the Qu'ran are believed to be anon from God and activity individuals conservancy if they are to accept by its precepts.

The Hadith is a cardinal of traditions that blab the sayings and adventures of Mohammad specifically.The Hadith is agnate to the Christian gospels in that it is a third being annual of the activities of the astrologer Mohammad and his followers. Unlike the Qu'ran it is a cardinal of individuals cogent that which they had allegedly heard or apparent of the astrologer Mohammad. The traditions were anesthetized bottomward orally and afterwards a cardinal of years these letters of Mohammad's words and accomplishments were again brought calm and accounting bottomward as a articular collection

The Hadith is a accompaniment to the Qu'ran.The Qu'ran food the laws and ideal way of activity that a Muslim should abatement in accordance with. However, there are assertive issues aural activity that the Qu'ran does not chronicle to. In these situations, Muslims are again encouraged to attending to the Hadith to amount out their best advance of action.

For Muslims, if the Qu'ran does not accumulation the answer, they can attending to the accomplishments of astrologer in the Hadith and thereby analyze what they should do in accurate situations. Also, the Hadith can be acclimated to advice Muslims bigger accept assertive argument in Qu'ran. At times in the Hadith, Muhammad and his assembly altercate the revelations, authoritative argument interpretations clearer.

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Leaving Law Prayers

We already know the deal about kafirnya scholars who oppose prayer obligations. However, for those who left because I was lazy, what's more he still believe that prayer is a prescribed practice, there are differences of opinion among scholars, among which are not mengkafirkan with mengkafirkan and whether or not he dibunuh1.
Legal problems of people who left this prayer is indeed a problem since time immemorial khilafiyyah among salaful umma, and the dispute teranggap (mu'tabar). Therefore, we should not rashly accuse people menyelisihi our opinion in this case, like we say Murji `(followers of understanding Murji` ah, because no one is left mengkafirkan prayer) or menvonisnya with Khariji (Kharijites understanding followers, because people who mengkafirkan prayer). Legal origin in the mu'tabar err is one should not deny other people's opinions and denounce. Denouncing someone because they follow the opinion of scholars from the Salaf (the priests known) equal to denounce the Salaf. Therefore we once again emphasize, we should not boycott and denounced our brothers in the problems that we find our scholars are also different opinions on it. Indeed fiqh issue like this, we find the scholars often disagree, and they were paved for his brother for the problems that are allowed / dilapangkan for berijtihad.
Ash-Shaykh al-Allama Ibn 'Uthaymeen rahimahullahu stated that the problems of this prayer including a very big problem today that many people fall in it (the disaster stricken by not fulfilled). And the clergy and priests from among these people, the past and present, disagree about the law. (Hukmu book Mukaddimah shalah Tarikish pp. 3)
People who left the prayer Fardhu intentionally meant he had committed a huge sin. Sin on the side of Allaah is greater than the sin of killing the soul that is not permissible to be killed, or the sin of taking property of others is false, or the sin of adultery, stealing and drinking wine. Prayer means exposing themselves to punishment Allaah and His wrath. He will be humiliated by Allaah in the world and in akhiratnya. (Ash-Shalatu wa Hukmu Tarikiha, Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullahu, pp. 7)
About punishment in the hereafter for those who pray waste expressed Allaah in His Word:
ما سلككم في سقر. قالوا لم نك من المصلين
"Does that put you into hell Saqar?" They said, "We were not among those who do pray ...." (Al-MUDDATSTSIR: 42-43)
فويل للمصلين الذين هم عن صلاتهم ساهون
"So woe to those who pray, those who neglect the prayer of working ...." (Al-Ma'un: 4-5)
فخلف من بعدهم خلف أضاعوا الصلاة واتبعوا الشهوات فسوف يلقون غيا
"So go after them, the bad substitute wasted prayers and his own whims and desires, then one day they will meet kerugian2." (Maryam: 59)

Differences of opinion among scholars
1. Abdullah bin Mubarak, Ahmad, Ishaq, and Ibn Hubaib from Malikiyyah among those who argue kafir3 prayer intentionally, although he did not oppose the prayer obligations. This opinion is also dihikayatkan of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Ibn Abbas, and Al-Hakam ibn 'Uyainah radi' anhum. Some followers of Al-Imam Ash-Shafi'i rahimahullahu also argues demikian4. (Al-Majmoo '3 / 19, Al-Minhaj 2 / 257, Nailul Authar, 2 / 403)
They argued with the word of Allaah:
فإذا انسلخ الأشهر الحرم فاقتلوا المشركين حيث وجدتموهم وخذوهم واحصروهم واقعدوا لهم كل مرصد فإن تابوا وأقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة فخلوا سبيلهم إن الله غفور رحيم
"If had been the sacred months, slay the idolaters wherever you find them and arrest them. Kepunglah them and intailah in place surveillance. If they repent, establish regular prayer and practice regular charity, then give them the freedom to walk. Verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(At-Tauba: 5)
In the above verse which Allaah has set three conditions must be fulfilled before a man who had been exempted from punishment polytheists killed as infidels is repent, establish regular prayer and practice regular charity. If these three conditions are met means that he had become a Muslim who maintained their blood. But if not, he is not a Muslim. Thus, whoever neglects prayer intentionally, does not want fulfilled, meant not eligible to be left running, which means he can dibunuh5.
Their argument is a hadeeth from the hadeeth of Jabir ibn 'Abdillah radi' anhuma, he said, "I've heard the Prophet alaihi wa sallam said:
إن بين الرجل وبين الشرك والكفر ترك الصلاة
"Actually the person with kesyirikan and disbelief is prayer." (Narrated by Muslim, no. 242)
Similarly, Ibn al-hadith Hushaib Buraidah radi 'anhu, he said, "The Messenger of Allaah' alaihi wa sallam said:
العهد الذي بيننا وبينهم الصلاة فمن تركه فقد كفر
"Agreement between us and them is prayer, then he who neglects prayer means to the ruling." (Narrated by Ahmad, 5 / 346, At-Tirmidhi, no. 2621, Ibn Majah no. 1079 and other than. Dishahihkan ash-Shaykh al-Albani rahimahullahu in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, Al-Mishkat no. 574 and also in Sahih At-Targhib wat Tarhib thing. 299) [See Tharhut Tatsrib, 1 / 323]
In the two hadith on the general expressed "prayer" without any mention of "left for opposing obligations". Means a threat in the hadith is generally applied, both for those who left the prayer for opposing any obligation or not.
A Tabi'in named Abdullah bin Syaqiq rahimahullahu said:
كان أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يرون شيئا من الأعمال تركه كفر غير الصلاة
"It is the Messenger of Allaah friends' alaihi wa sallam did not see any thing from the practices that can be left if the perpetrator unless mengkafirkan prayer practices." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi no. 2622, dishahihkan ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan rahimahullahu al-Tirmidhi, as well as in Sahih At-Targhib wat Tarhib no. 562)
Abdullah said that the Companions agreed 'those who disbelieved in prayer' and they do not require 'must be accompanied by denial of his duty' or 'against an obligation to pray'. Because who says prayer is not obligatory, it's obvious disbelief for everyone. (Al-Majmoo '3 / 19, Al-Minhaj 2 / 257, Tharhut Tatsrib 1 / 323, Nailul Authar 2 / 403)
2. Meanwhile, the majority opinion also dinukilkan scholars who do not or have not looked at people who leave kafirnya pray deliberately. Al-Imam Abdul Haq Al-Isybili rahimahullahu in his book Ash wat shalah Tahajjud (p. 96) states, "All Muslims from Ahlus Sunnah among both experts and other haditsnya them, argue that people who pray deliberately left in a state he was faithful to obligation to pray and recognize / define, is not dikafirkan. But he has done an act of great sin. As for the hadith the Prophet alaihi wa sallam who said Zahir kafirnya who neglects prayer, so also the words' 'Umar and other than, they takwil as they mentakwil Prophet peace' alaihi wa sallam:
لا يزني الزاني حين يزني وهو مؤمن ...
"It is not an adulterer adultery in a state he believed when making such fornication." 6
Similarly, other hadiths that matched this. The Ahl al-ilmi who thinks he killed people who left the prayer, he meant only as a law had been murdered, not because he was pagan. So this opinion held by al-Imam Malik, Ash-Shafi'i, and besides them. "
Al-Hafiz Al-'Iraqi rahimahullahu said, "People of scientific opinion jumhur kafirnya not a prayer if indeed he was not opposed to obligations. This is the opinion of the priests: Abu Hanifa, Malik, Ash-Shafi'i, and also a history of al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Hadiths on a saheeh in legal trouble ini7 prayer, they replied with some answers, including:
First: The meaning of these hadiths is the one who neglects prayer deserve punishment given to the unbelievers killed.
Second: The verdict is in disbelieve that the hadiths are applied to those who consider kosher without udzur prayer.
Third: Leaving prayers can sometimes bring the perpetrators to paganism, as it is stated that 'immoral acts are heading disbelief'.
Fourth: Actions prayer is an act of infidels. "(Tharhut Tatsrib, 1/324-325)
Evidence jumhur used by scholars is the word of Allaah:
إن الله لا يغفر أن يشرك به ويغفر ما دون ذلك لمن يشاء
"Verily Allah does not forgive his sins associate with sesuatu8 (shirk) and He forgives sins except shirk for whom He wills." (An-Nisa `: 48)
While not doing Shirk pray not, but one big sin that which Allaah has promised to give amnesty to whom Allaah wills.
Also hadiths which many, including the hadeeth of 'Shamit radi Ubadah ibnush' anhu that the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam:
خمس صلوات كتبهن الله على العباد, فمن جاء بهن لم يضيع منهن استخفافا بحقهن, كان له عند الله عهدا يدخله الجنة, ومن لم يأت بهن فليس له عند الله عهد, إن شاء عذبه, وإن شاء غفر له
"Prayer five times a servant of Allah enjoined on His slaves. Who would do it without wasting the five prayers is because he underestimated the presence a promise from Allah to Allah to enter heaven. But who does not do it for him then there is no promise from Allah, if Allah wills mengadzabnya God's will, and if God wants then God will forgive him. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood, no. 1420 dishahihkan ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh Abi rahimahullahu Dawud)
The hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah from the Prophet alaihi wa sallam:
إن أول ما يحاسب به العبد المسلم يوم القيامة الصلاة المكتوبة, فإن أتمها وإلا قيل: انظروا هل له من تطوع? فإن كان له تطوع أكملت الفريضة من تطوعه, ثم يفعل بسائر الأعمال المفروضة مثل ذلك
"Amalan who first brought to account from a slave later on the Day of Resurrection is obligatory prayers. If he had perfected the obligatory prayers is the perfect righteous deeds, but if not dikatakanlah, 'Look, if this person has tathawwu practices' (prayer Sunnah)? "If he has a practice tathawwu', disempurnakanlah mandatory prayer was doing with the Sunnah prayers. Then all the deeds that difardhukan also done like that. "(Narrated by Ibn Majah no. 1425 and the other, dishahihkan ash-Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan rahimahullahu Ibni Majah and Al-Mishkat no. 1330-1331)
Similarly, in the hadith ash-Shahihain hosted by 'Shamit radi Ubadah ibnush' anhu of the Prophet alaihi wa sallam, he said:
من قال: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله, وأن عيسى عبد الله وابن أمته وكلمته ألقاها إلى مريم وروح منه, وأن الجنة حق, وأن النار حق, أدخله الله الجنة على ما كان من عمل
"Who is to say, 'I testify that there is no true god except Allah alone, no partner to Him and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger,' Jesus is God's servant, the son of God's servant girl, the sentence - She hurled her to the spirit of Mary and His creation, and heaven is true, too true hell ', then the people who witness this kind of God would enter into heaven any righteous deeds. "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 3435 and Muslim no. 139)
In the history of Al-Imam Muslim (no. 141) brought the word of the Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam:
من شهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله حرم الله عليه النار
"Who would testify that there is no true god except Allah alone, and testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, Allah forbid the Fire for him."
In addition, many arguments that show obtained eternal not a Muslim who still have faith though few in Hell, if he had uttered syahadatain, such as the hadeeth of Anas ibn Malik radi 'anhu below. Anas said, "The Messenger of Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يخرج من النار من قال لا إله إلا الله وكان في قلبه من الخير ما يزن شعيرة, ثم يخرج من النار من قال لا إله إلا الله وكان في قلبه من الخير ما يزن برة, ثم يخرج من النار من قال لا إله إلا الله وكان في قلبه من الخير ما يزن ذرة
"It would be out of hell those who say laa ilaha illa and in his heart there is any good (faith) weighing sya'ir (a type of wheat). Then will be excluded from hell who say laa ilaha illa and in his heart goodness weighing a burrah (a type of wheat, too). Then hell will be excluded from those who say La ilaha illa and in his heart goodness weighing a very small ants. "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 44 and Muslim no. 477)
Minded clerics who do not kafirnya prayer did not then freed from punishment or relieve lighten his sentence. On the contrary, severe penalties will be imposed as we read the following information.
Ibn Shihab Az-Zuhri, Ibn Sa'id Musayyab, 'Umar ibn' Abd al 'Aziz, Abu Hanifah, Dawud ibn' Ali and Al-Muzani opinion, people who left the prayer because I was lazy, was not convicted of infidels, but the wicked. He should be arrested or imprisoned by the government muslimin9 and beaten with a hard blow to the blood streaming down. The penalty was imposed on him until he would repent and do pray or to death in penjara10. The penalty kill was not until the fall to him except when he opposed the obligation to pray, because there is the hadith of Ibn Mas'ud, radi 'anhu of the Prophet alaihi wa sallam following:
لا يحل دم امرئ يشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأني رسول الله إلا بإحدى ثلاث: الثيب الزاني والنفس بالنفس والتارك لدينه المفارق للجماعة
"It is not lawful to shed the blood of a person testifying that no god has the right to diibadahi except Allah alone, and he testified that I was a Messenger of Allah, unless one of three groups, namely someone who has / never married committing adultery, because people returned the soul ( someone kill another person in return he will diqishash / killed as well), and those who abandon their religion, part with congregation of the Muslims. "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, no. 6878 and Muslim no. 4351) [Al-Majmoo '3 / 19, Shalatu wa ash-Hukmu Tarikiha, pp. 7-8]
In the hadith mentioned above is not legal to kill people who leave prayers. (Al-Minhaj, 2 / 257)
Malikiyyah schools and Syafi'iyyah argue that people who leave no udzur prayer, he asked to repent of his deeds. If you do not want to repent the way dibunuh11 beheaded with a sword jumhur12 opinion. However, this killing penalties imposed as the law had not killed him because of infidels. After death, he dikafani, dishalati, and was buried in the cemetery of Muslims. (Al-Majmoo '3 / 17, Al-Minhaj 2 / 257, Nailul Authar, 2 / 403)
From the description Shaikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullahu in Majmoo 'Fataawa (22/40-53) in connection with this prayer case, it appears that he divides people into four types:
• People who refuse to do the prayer until he was killed, while in his heart there is absolutely no recognition of the obligations of prayer and no desire to do it. These people infidels by agreement of the Muslims.
• The constant prayer until his death, he did not prostrate to Allaah. He also does not recognize these obligations then the people were unbelievers.
• People who do not maintain the five daily prayers, this is the state of most humans. Once when he was doing prayers, at other times he left. People who like this situation under the will of Allaah. If Allaah wills will diadzab, if not then Allaah will forgive him. The evidence is the hadeeth of 'Shamit radi Ubadah ibnush' anhu who has been mentioned above.
• The believers who keep their prayers. This is a promise to go to heaven Allaah.

Of the existing differences of opinion, the author himself is more inclined to the opinion that states are not infidels. And this is the opinion of our reassurance, wallahu Exalted knows best-bish shawab.
Al-Imam al-Nawawi said when the strengthening rahimahullahu these opinions, "Constantly Muslims inherit each other with a prayer (from among their relatives). If those who disbelieved in prayer and will not be forgiven their sins, would not be inherited and do not inherit property to his relatives. The answer to the argument that the opinion delivered by people who left kafirnya pray with Jabir hadith, hadith and history Buraidah Syaqiq ibn Abdullah, is that the hadiths are brought meaning to the person who left the prayer will be a union for the infidels in some of the laws that apply to him , ie he must / should be killed. With this takwil texts terkumpullah laws and rules that have been mentioned. "(Al-Majmoo ', 3 / 19)
Al-Imam Al-Albani rahimahullahu states, "I think that the right is jumhur opinion. The history that comes from a friend who is not sure that the texts they mean by Kufr is the rejection that makes the perpetrator in neraka13 eternal. "(Ash-Saheehah, 1 / 174)
And Allaah the Exalted knows best-bish shawab.

1 Sufyan ibn Sa'id Ats Tsauri, Abu 'Amr al-Auza'i, Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak, Hammad ibn Zayd, Waki' Ibn al-Jarrah, Malik ibn Anas, Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi'i, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ishaq bin Rahuyah, and students / followers of their view that people who left the prayer was killed. Then they disagreed, whether killed as a Muslim who had lived law as adultery muhshan killed (people who have / never married and adultery), or killed because he killed people pagan as an apostate and zindiq. (Ash-Shalatu wa Hukmu Tarikiha, pp. 7 and 20)
2 فسوف يلقون غيا interpreted by Ibn 'Abbas with the loss. Qatada said, "(Later they would find) ugliness." Ibn Mas'ud interpreted in a valley in Hell Hell in a very very bad food anymore. There is also a interpret in a valley in Hell that contain blood and pus. (Al-Munir Mishbahul fit Ibni Tahdheeb Katheer Tafseer, pp. 830-831)
3 When reached verdicts imposed infidel means applied to him the laws of the infidels / apostates. Like not getting the inheritance from a relative who died, when a married man (and his wife was a Muslim) then he should divorce his wife, if not then should not be married to a Muslim woman. When he died, his body not be buried in the cemetery Muslims and so on.
4 And this opinion also held by most of the missionary priests today. Among Samaahat Shaykh Ibn Baz, ash-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, and our teacher ash-Shaykh Muqbil rahimahumullah.
5 There are two histories of al-Imam Ahmad in trouble killing people who leave this prayer.
First: He killed people killed as an apostate. So this opinion held by Sa'eed ibn Jubayr, Ash-Sha'bi Amir, Ibrahim An-Nakha'i, Abu 'Amr al-Auza'i, As-Sikhtiyani Ayyub Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak, Rahuyah ibn Ishaq, Abdul Malik bin Hubaib from the Malikiyyah, one side of the madhhab al-Imam ash-Shafi'i, Ath-Thahawi menghikayatkan of Al-Imam ash-Shafi'i himself and Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm menghikayatkannya from 'Umar Ibn al Khattab, Mu'adh ibn Jabal, Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf, Abu Hurayrah and besides them from the Companions.
Second: Murdered the law had, not for unbelievers. So opinions Malik, Ash-Shafi'i, and Abu Abdallah ibn Baththah chose this history. (Ash-Shalatu wa Hukmu Tarikiha, pp. 20)
6 That is the adulterer can not be done in time fornication perfect faith. He simply fell into abject act because his faith was weak. Thus, this hadith is not showing that the adulterer had no faith in the sense out of faith and enter into disbelief, but the adulterer remain a Muslim by faith that simply ratify Islamic.
7 As the hadith and hadith Jabir Buraidah.
8 If the servant dies in a state brought sin of shirk, could not repent of kesyirikan. But when repented of his sins then:
إن الله يغفر الذنوب جميعا
"Surely God forgives all sins." (Az-Zumar: 53)
9 What must be kept in mind, the laws had not upheld by the individual or an association / individual organization, but the authorities in their enforcement is wulatul age, the government of the Muslims.
10 And he would not die as unbelievers, but as the wicked, the believer is doing a big sin. Thus the maintenance of the body remains held by the Muslims as the implementation body of the Muslims; he bathed, dikafani, dishalati and was buried in the cemetery of Muslims.
Argued with verse 11:
فإذا انسلخ الأشهر الحرم فاقتلوا المشركين حيث وجدتموهم وخذوهم واحصروهم واقعدوا لهم كل مرصد فإن تابوا وأقاموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة فخلوا سبيلهم إن الله غفور رحيم
"If had been the sacred months, slay the idolaters wherever you find them and arrest them. Kepunglah them and intailah in place surveillance. If they repent, establish regular prayer and practice regular charity, then give them the freedom to walk. Verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(At-Tauba: 5)
12 quoted a hadith:
إن الله كتب الإحسان في كل شيء, فإذا قتلتم فأحسنوا القتلة
"Verily Allah ordered to do Ihsan (doing good) in all things, so if you kill baikkanlah in how to kill." (Narrated by Muslim, no. 1955)
While the killing with the sword slammed into the neck (cut) is the best way to kill and remove early life, so as not to hurt and torture people who were killed.
13 Because there is such thing as kufrun Duna kufrin, the charity is the practice of infidelity but did not necessarily in a heathen.

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Islamic Teachings and Beliefs

The adoration Islam does not accept in the abstraction of "original sin." According to the article of Islam, bodies are built-in guiltless. They abide so until an alone himself or herself, commits a amiss deed. Islam is neither an ethnocentric nor a all-powerful religion. The followers of this adoration beam no sacraments. Anyone can become a Muslim by his/ her discretion. Introduction to Islam involves no all-powerful ceremony, no captivation by any clergy, and no affidavit by any organized body. All that a accurate Moslem needs to do is chase the article of Islam. These article are:

Doctrine of God: Islam is a carefully monotheistic religion. The followers of Islam accept that there is no added God than Allah.

Doctrine of Angels: The head of God is amidst by Angels. They serve as His agent to people. The best important of all angels is Gabriel. Iblis is a collapsed angel, he is additionally referred to as the Satan or Devil. He has ascendancy over the djinns who are macho and changeable demons.

Doctrine of Inspired Books: The Moslems accept in the angelic books which accommodate the Torah, the Gospel of Jesus, the Psalms, and the Koran (Qur'an). The followers of Islam accept that Koran is the alone book which is absolutely absurdity free. Sections of the angelic book Koran accept affinity to the Bible, the Apocrypha, and the Jewish Talmud. There are abounding belief in Koran that are agnate to belief of assorted prophets in the Old Testament.

Koran is somewhat beneath in breadth than the New Testament. Islam's followers are accepted to acquire as abundant of the Koran as they can. Those who acquire the accomplished book by affection are awful honored.

Doctrine of Prophets: According to the article of Islam, there are abounding bodies who are advised to be prophets. Among them are Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, Noah, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Mohammed. Mohammed is advised to be aftermost prophet. His proclamations completed the bulletin beatific by God to people.

Doctrine of Aftermost Judgment: Moslems accept that there will be a day of final judgment. At that time, the non-believers will be bedevilled to the afire fires of hell, while the believers will access heaven. However, the pleasures of heaven will be accustomed to the believers according to the amount of acceptance and chastity they displayed in their lifetime.

The followers of Islam accept that the moral and acknowledged codes of Islam administer to all areas of animal life.

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

Law Celebration Birthday of Prophet Muhammad

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh Al 'Uthaymeen vol-may Allah repay his efforts against Islam and Muslims with the best-reply, he was asked about the ruling maulid commemorate Prophet r?

So Shaykh Muhammad bin Saleh Al 'Uthaymeen vol replied:

1. That night the Prophet's birth is not known r qath'i (no doubt), even some contemporary scholars reinforces the suggestion bahwasannya he happened on the night to 9 (nine) Jumadil Awwal and not the night to 12 (twelve). If so then the warning of the Prophet Muhammad r maulid usual celebrated on the night of the 12 (twelve) Jumadil Awwal no bottom, when viewed from the side of its history.

2. Viewed from the side shar'i, the Prophet r maulid warning there is no bottom. If the event commemorations disyari'atkan maulid Prophet r in our religion, then surely this maulid event has been held by the Prophet in r or certainly has ummatnya advise him. Even if he had carried out or has been recommended to him ummatnya, shall remain teaching preserved to this day, because the Almighty says:

"Verily, We it is Who has sent down the Qur'an, and indeed we really take care of". Q.S; Al-Hijr: 9.

Due to the commemorations of the Prophet r maulid not proven up to the present teachings, it is clear that he was not among the religious teachings. And if he was not among the religious teachings, we are not allowed to worship God and draw closer to Him with commemorations of the Prophet r maulid it.

God has determined way to go in order to come to Him, that is the road that has been passed by the Prophet r, then how can we as a servant of the other path from the path of Allah, so that we can come to God?. This is clearly a form of violation of the rights of God, because we have made a new Shari'ah in his religion there are no orders from him. And this, too, including the form of pendustaan Almighty says:

"This day have I perfected for you your religion and I have both ends meet My favor unto you and I have had so ridha'i Islam religion for you". Q.S; Al-Maidah: 3.

So be clear again, if the memorial if the Prophet r maulid including part of the perfection of dien (religion), surely he had celebrated before the Messenger of Allah r died. And if he was not part of the dien perfection (religion), then he is not from religious teachings, because the Almighty says: "This day have I perfected for you your religion".

Whoever thinks that he is listed as part of the perfection of dien (religion), he is making new things in religion (heresy) after the death of the Prophet r, and the words contained pendustaan of the noble verses of Allah is (QS; Al - Maidah: 3).

So no doubt, that the people who hold a commemoration of the Prophet r Maulid, essentially aims to glorify (magnify) and express a love of the Prophet Muhammad, and grow ghirah (spirit) of the worship which obtained from the Prophet's warning that Maulid. And this all-inclusive of worship. Love to the Prophet r, including worship, in which a person of faith is not perfect until he loves the Prophet r exceeds the love of her own, her children, their parents and the whole mankind. Also that glorify (magnify) the Messenger of Allah r, including the worship. And also included into the category of worship is growing ghirah (spirit) in practice Shari'ah Prophet r.

The conclusion was that a warning maulid Prophet r in order to draw closer to the Almighty, and the glorification of the Prophet r, including the worship. If it includes worship then we are not allowed to hold a new case in the religion of Allah (innovation) which is not his shari'ah. Therefore the Prophet r maulid warning innovation in religion and including the forbidden.

Then we heard the information on commemorations bahwasannya maulid kemunkaran Prophet r-kemunkaran are large, which is not justified syar'i, senses and mind. Where they mensenandungkan containing qashidah cult in which the Prophet r, to happen beyond the glorification of the Almighty pengagungannya-we seek refuge in Allah from this thing.

And we also hear information about the stupidity of some people who participated in the commemoration of the Prophet Maulid, which when read story Maulid (birth) he was, then when it comes to words (and so was born Mustafa r), then they all stood in unison. They say that the spirit of the Prophet r has arrived, so we stand as a tribute to the arrival of spirits. And this is clearly a folly.

And not a courtesy when they stood to honor the coming of the spirit of the Prophet r, because the Messenger of Allah r was reluctant (not happy) if there are friends who stood in his honor. Though love and glorification of the Companions of the Prophet r than others, but they do not stand up to the glory and honor, when they saw the Messenger of Allah r reluctance to act. If this is not their doing when the Messenger of Allah r was still alive, and how it can be done by humans after his death?.

This innovation, the intention is heresy Maulid, occurred after the passage of 3 (three) the best period (the friend, Tabi'in and tabi'ut Tabi'in). Warning maulid real Prophet r has tarnished the sanctity aqeedah and also invited the ikhtilath (mixed-baurnya between men and women) and cause evil things to others.

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

VALENTINE'S DAY According to the Islamic view

Is he just a mere affection?

"And if you obey most of the people on this earth, they will nescaya astray from the path of Allah. They follow nothing but mere prejudice, and they are nothing but a lie (against Allah). "(Surah Al-An'am: 116)

Day 'affection' is celebrated by the Western people in the last years is called 'Valentine Day' is very popular and spread in Indonesia pelusuk even in Malaysia as well. Moreover, if menjelangnya in February where we met a lot of jargon (symbols or advertisements) are not only un-Islamic to expose the form for (promoting) Valentine. Various places of entertainment starts from disco (disco / club night), hotels, organizations mahupun small groups; busy berlumba-Dolphin offers to celebrate Valentine's Day event. With the support (influence) the mass media such as newspapers, radio mahupun Televisyen; majority of Muslims were also fed (served) with advertisements Valentine Day.


It is ironic (sad / not fitting place) when our ears to hear even our own 'dive' in celebration of Valentine's Day without knowing the history of Valentine's Day itself. Valentine's Day was actually a martyr (in Islam is called 'martyrs') which kerana mistakes and are 'generous' then he was given a mat Saint or Saint.

On February 14, 270 AD, St. Valentine was killed because of the contrast (schism) to the Roman authorities at that time namely King Claudius II (268 to 270 AD). To glorify him (St. Valentine), which is considered as a symbol of fortitude, courage and surrender in the face cubaan life, then his followers to commemorate the death of St. Valentine's Day as a 'religious ceremony'.

But since the 16th century AD, 'religious ceremony' is started beransur-ansur lost and turned into a 'celebration is not religious'. Valentine's Day party and then connected with the feast of love ancient Romans called "Supercalis" which falls on February 15.

After the Romans came in the Christian religion (Christian), parties 'supercalis' then associated with St. funeral. Valentine. St. funeral reception. Valentine as a 'day of love' is also associated with the European belief that the time 'affection' that started blossomed 'as male and female birds' on February 14.

In French Normandy, in medieval times the word "Galentine" which means to 'Galant or love'. Rhyme between galentine and valentine cause people to think that the youth should be in finding a life partner on February 14. With growing age, a 'martyr' named St. Valentino may continue to shift away understanding (far from the true meaning of). Humans today are no longer working knowledge of the origins of Valentine's Day. Where in this day and age is the knowledge of Valentine's past (through) greeting cards, fraternity party, gift exchange (exchange-rate reward) and so on without wanting to know the historical background of more than 1700 years ago.

From here can be concluded that the moment (it / time / time) This is no more patterned or animist beliefs are trying merosak mere 'faith' of Muslims and Muslim as well as introducing western lifestyles under the guise of romance (bertopengkan romance), arranged marriage and love.


As a Muslim ask ourselves, whether we will have an example so clearly something is not derived from Islam?

Let us consider the word of God s.w.t.:

"And janglah you megikuti what you do not have knowledge about it. Actually hearing, sight, and hearts, all that will be asked to account he said ". (Surah al-Isra: 36)

In Islam the word "know" means capable of sensing (knowing) with all five senses are controlled by the liver. Knowledge to the extent and nature of lifting actual content. Not just able to see or hear. Nor is it just know the history, purpose, what, who, when (if), how, and where, but more than that.

By kerana that Islam forbids the belief that great ride (push / follow) to a different faith or in Islam is called taqlid.

Prophet Hadith: "He who imitate or follow one of the (religion) then he is of the (religion) is".
Word of God s.w.t. in Surah Al Imran (Imran's family) verse 85: "Anyone who seeks a religion other than Islam, then once in a while is not accepted (the religion) thereof, and he's in heaven, including those who lose".


In Valentine's problems should be understood in depth, especially from the standpoint of our lives kerana religion can not run away or escape from the religion (Islam) as a way of life. Here are some things that must be understood in the problem of 'Valentine Day'.

Valentine's Day is a celebration of the feast according to the parties 'supercalis' ancient Romans where they go after Christianity (kristian), then turned into a 'religious ceremony' is associated with the death of St. Valentine.

Valentine's clearly not derived from Islam, but rather derived from an invention of human minds that passed by the church. By kerana it is, stick to the human rational mind alone, but if it is not based on Islam (Allah), then he will rejected.

Word of Allah swt in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 120: "The Jews and the Christians would not like to you until you follow their religion.

Say: 'The guidance of Allah's guidance (the actual) ". And verily if thou follow their kemahuan after knowledge came to you, then God is no longer the protector and helper for you ".

Goals create and express affection persada earth is good. But not seminit for a day and a day for a year. Nor a means to we have oriented to the Valentine's as if raising other teachings on Islam. Diutuskan Islam to his people by ordering his followers to love and interweave berkasih eternal brotherhood under the auspices of Allah, Most Compassionate and Merciful. Even the Prophet s.a.w. He said: "Not believe in any one of you that he loves his brother as his love for yourself".

In general, Valentine's Day event held in the form of debauchery and riot.
Consider the word of Allah: "Verily, spendthrifts spendthrifts are brothers syaithon and syaithon is very ungrateful to his Lord". (Surah Al-Isra: 27)

Surah Al-Anfal verse 63 which reads: "... even if you spend all of (wealth) that are in earth, thou can not unite their hearts, but Allah has united their hearts. Surely, He (God) is Mighty, Wise ".

It's obvious! Whatever the reason, we can not accept imports from outside the culture that obviously contrary to the belief (faith) we are. Let us not pollute our creeds on the pretext of tolerance and loyal friend. "For if you say tolerance, Islam is the most tolerant in the world.

How far we've swung the cheering step (laud) Valentine's Day? Menyedari we should have early on (for now), in order not to fall further. We need not envy and jealousy with a ceremony and affection of other religions. Is not God's Ar Rahman and Ar Rohim. Not just a day for a year. And not too wrapped up in the future. But the obvious affection in Islam is much broader than all that. In fact, Islam is an 'alternative' last after a man failed with other systems.

Look at the rise of Islam! Look kerosakan-kerosakan shown by both Western civilization in the mass media, Televisyen and so on. Because the West was recognized only cases or matters that are material. Their hearts are empty and they were like 'robots' which has a soul.

MARI ISTIQOMAH (hold fast)
Consider the Word of God:
"... And indeed if thou follow their desires after the knowledge came unto you, ye then included among those who do wrong".

May Allah give us hidayahNya and determination to be istiqomah the heart of Islam so that we accept the truth and start teaching.

The purpose of all this is that we are always obeyed, so with the permission of Allah swt We can meet either of the Prophets Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad

Word of God s.w.t.:
"Those who obey Allah and the Messenger then he will be with people who were given favors from among the Prophets, the Siddiq (true faith), martyrs, Sholihin (Salih people), they are the best of friends".

Peguam said Zulkifli Nordin (peguam in Malaysia) in the cassette 'apostate' who mafhumnya: --

"VALENTINE" is the name of a clergyman. His name is Pedro St. Valentino. February 14, 1492 is the day of the fall of the Islamic Kingdom of Spain. This priest or isytiharkan today announced that as a day of 'affection' in his kerana Islam is unjust! The fall of the Islamic Kingdom of Spain is celebrated as Valentine's Day. May you all Take Teaching! So .. why do we want to welcome this Valentine's Day kerana day was the fall of the Islamic empire in Spain we are ..

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Understanding Islam

Hello my adored brother,

I had talked about the bristles actuality ambit of the animal to you in my antecedent articles. The animal gathers on himself all the concrete and actinic actualization of the affairs apple in aboriginal dimension, all the physiological actualization of the plants apple in additional dimension, all the cerebral actualization of the animals apple in third dimension. He additionally obtains a humanistic personality altered from the added creatures, with the thinking, chief and adjudicating ability, in fourth dimension.

The endless benefactions acquire been accustomed to the human

Certainly the admirable benefactions acquire been provided to himself until the animal comes this level. Now, try to anticipate alone the physiological dimension. Thousands of chemicals comedy their roles in this mechanism. Imagine that alone one agitator or alone one hormone doesn't do it's function. How afflicted canicule animal lives.

Try to bethink the benefactions at your cerebral dimension. Anticipate of your absorption has weakened, your anamnesis is absent, or you absent your consciousness. Imagine that you acquire afflicted with brainy deficiency. How bad case for you!

Now, anticipate that you are beggared of "reason" benefaction. Everybody treats you like dirt, for you can not anticipate and for you can not be bedevilled of the ability of chief and responsibility. You can not administer yourselves. You can not administer your accessories and properties. Your relations with the association in which you alive absolutely breakdown. You can not assurance an acceding and a contract. You can not vote. Even, if you accompany any information, cipher believes this news. This is how abundant bad case.

The human, here, in his aboriginal four dimensions, has accomplished great benefactions of his architect Almighty God (Allah) who has control of benevolence and compassion. But, I'm apologetic to say, the majority of the bodies are not acquainted of these benefactions.

Almighty Allah wants to complete this beneficence

My baby brother,

Almighty Allah (God), who is the architect and the greatest protector of the human, has able with such great benefactions the animal up to fourth acumen dimension. And He additionally wishes to complete His benefactions and favors on the animal by accustomed him to the aiguille of the adultness for authoritative him abundant added adored and accomplished in fifth ambit afterwards this point.

"Allah does not ambition to abode you in a difficulty, but to accomplish you clean, and to complete his favor to you, ..." (Qur'an, Maide, 6)

But these favors, which will be accomplished afterwards this phase, has been fabricated abased on the own accord of person. Namely, for this, it is all-important that actuality charge carelessness his own personality, his own arrogance, and his own egoism; and he charge absolutely accountable to his creator's accord and abandonment to him. This acquiescence is called, briefly, as Islam.

I had approved to clarify the animal in the antecedent articles. In this article, I'll try to amplify Islam.

Islam is to be accountable to the will of Allah

My baby brother,

Islam is an Arabic originated chat and it agency "submittal, to lay bottomward one's arms". Its acceptation as a religious appellation is the acquiescence and actuality accountable to the will of Almighty Allah that He has not the similars, ally and assistants; He has created the concrete and abstract worlds; He keeps them in actuality by bartering their needs; He provides all-important power, force and activity for them; He arranges and organizes them at will; He makes present or absent aggregate at will and at any time; He is absolute buyer the accomplished acreage and is altered absolute on the worlds. "Islam" is to alive according to the commandments, the wills and the rules of this Almighty Allah, but not according to the desires of person's own ego.

Certainly, this alone comes accurate with "faith". Can it be beneath altercation to be subjected to God's volition, after assertive and not actuality accustomed His existence? For this reason, the adoration erudites acquire accustomed that the acceptance is the axiological of the religion.

My adored brother,

Religions are the systems in which all-powerful apprenticeship comes true. All-powerful benevolence turns into able-bodied behaviours in the personality of the animal by agency of religions. By the advice of religions, the animal obtains a apple-pie and complete all-powerful personality, by accepting rid of the bad and carper humanistic personality. The Architect saw fit to Himself the name Allah in His Aftermost Book. This name gathers all nice attributes of Him on self. For this reason, I'll adopt to use this name in my articles.

Almighty Allah has alleged his own apprenticeship arrangement as Islam

Islam is the actualization of the Rab (educator) aspect of Allah on the human. Allah Taala has accustomed Islam name for own ancestry arrangement that will buck abroad the animal to the aiguille of matureness. Islam is a doctrine. It is the name of a ancestry arrangement actuality notified by a prophets alternation alignment from Adam aleyhissalaam to Muhammed aleyhissalaam. There is no adoration added than Islam afore Allah.

"The Adoration afore Allah is Islam." (Qur'an, Al-i İmran, 19)

The aspect of all the angelic religions is Islam, admitting there are some differences amid their sharia. Islam is an ego educating system. Islam agency to alive a actuality according to The Almighty Creator's wills, but not his ego's desires. Islam agency that appointment of the animal to the rules of Allah by witnessing the actuality of Allah Taala who is the architect and drillmaster of him; to adopt the wills of Allah rather than his own desires; attached his own wishes by the wills of Allah; not beyond the banned which has been bent by Allah Taala.

Islam agency to be accountable to His rules, assertive alone a one God, that He has no partner, no similar, no equal; He has created all the alems (worlds) and the universe; He keeps them in existence; He provides all the needs of them by His benevolence and His kindness. And additionally the bodies who are accountable to the rules of Allah Taala are alleged as "Muslims". The Arabic originated chat "Muslim" agency the surrendered actuality to Allah. If you acquire such a altered Architect and if you acquire to be accountable to Him, you are additionally a Muslim.

All Messengers has brash Islam

The adoration actuality notified by all the prophets back Adam aleyhissalaam is Islam. Anniversary one of the prophets didn't accompany altered religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism that the majority of bodies such suppose; contrarily, all the prophets acquire notified alone one adoration Islam. The bodies has nicknamed after as Judaism, Christianity. All the prophets were Muslims. All of them were beatific for authoritative accepted Allah Taala that He has no accomplice and no similar; for teaching to the bodies to behave according to the rules of Allah, but not according to the wishes of their self; for pointing the actual way to them. All of them additionally brash not to annihilate the bodies unmeritedly; not to do abuse the humans' anatomy and goods; not to alive action out the marriage, namely not to fornicate. All of them additionally brash to adulation anniversary other; not to do spitefulness; not to acquaint lies. Today, all claim actuality bedevilled by the humans, either adherent or atheist, acquire accustomed up to us by agency of the prophets of Allah. However, anniversary one of the prophets brought partially altered rules according to the altitude of that time. The anniversary one of these is alleged as sharia. The aftermost astrologer Mohammed aleyhissalaam has additionally appear the rules that both to actual the apocryphal comments advancing out at antecedent times, and to accumulate its authority forth all the times for crumbling all the bodies eternally.

To be accountable to the latest Sharia is matureness

For this reason, a animal finds the appropriate by actuality accountable to any prophet, on action that he charge accountable to aspect of religion. A actuality who is accountable to antecedent sharia charge booty into application the abolished rules by the consecutive sharia. To be accountable to the aftermost astrologer Mohammed aleyhissalaam is additionally a absolutely matureness. It is like to adopt the latest archetypal car to access at the destination.

My baby brother,

I'll try to acquaint you Islam additionally in my consecutive articles. Islam is a abiding beatitude way of the animal who is a adored creature. A actuality walking in this alley alcove the conservancy both in this and the added world. But the bodies who acquire absent from the actual way, by actuality accountable to their aloof ego, acquire collapsed to agnosticism for their own harm.

Be entrusted to Allah.

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Islam and Muslim Protests in London, UK, and Europe - Impotence, Intolerance, and Violence

I accustomed an email this morning from a abbot in France picturing Muslims agitation on the streets of London, England with acrimony in their hearts, abhorrence in their mouths, and slogans of abandon on signs in their hands. Is this the affection of God? I anticipate not.

Among the alarming images I saw, the acclaimed words on the signs read:

"Europe you will pay. Demolition is on its way."

"Europe you will pay. Your annihilation is on its way."

"Butch those who apish Islam."

"Europe is the cancer. Islam is the answer."

"Islam will boss the world."

"Europe booty some acquaint from 9/11."

"Europe you will pay. Your 9/11 is on its way."

"Be able for the absolute holocaust."

"Massacre those who insult Islam."

"Exterminate those who insult Islam."

"Behead those who insult Islam."

"Slay those who insult Islam."

They who seek to avert their adoration with abandon prove to the apple that God is not in it. Cannot God avert Himself after animal help? I anticipate so. Yet back God is not in a counterfeit religion, religious followers charge appear to kill, compel, and constrain bodies to obey its adamant and frigid tenets.

God is adulation and will avert the celebrity of His Name!

Have you abandoned "Thou shalt not booty the Lord's name in vain; for the Lord will not authority him guiltless" (Exodus 20:7). Muslims, Americans, Christians, and anyone who advocates killing in God's name does not apperceive the Lord (John 16:1-3). God Himself will apostle the account of His name and adjudicator those who apostle killing in His angelic Name. God is a activity giver, not a killer.

Jesus did not appear to abort lives, but to save lives (John 3:17).

They who annihilate innocent blood, there claret will be afford (Genesis 9:6).

What we abide will dominate. If the British admittance this blazon of behavior on their streets, it will abide until they become fed up and apace accord with these evildoers. Until the British alive to the backsliddeness of their hearts and bankrupt airy condition, Islamic fundamentalism and protests such as this on their streets charge abide to accent to get their attention. Airy battles crave airy wisdom, power, love, and conduct to win (see 2 Corinthians 10:3-6).

The British charge awake, arise, and angrily accost angry lest they be overtaken by it!

As for your animadversion about political candidates, the achievement of America and the apple is not in elections but in Jesus Christ and His church. Political candidates alone serve to acknowledge the airy accompaniment of the bodies who accept them.

Do we charge to insult Islam? It seems they who affirmation to be Muslims are already accomplishing a appealing acceptable job.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Will Islam Rule?

Khaled Mash’al, baton of the Hamas movement which won the Palestinian elections in January 2006 gave a accent in Damascus which was advertisement on al-Jazeera TV on February 3rd 2006. He told the European nations to apologise to Islam because: ‘Tomorrow, our nation will sit on the arch of the world. This is not a bubble of the imagination, but a fact. Tomorrow we will advance the world, Allah willing. Apologize today, afore anguish will do you no good. Our nation is affective forwards, and it is in your absorption to account a arrive nation.’ His accent went on to say that the aboriginal appearance of the Islamic apple acquisition would be the abolishment of Israel and the defeat of the West in Iraq.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad agrees. He said in Iran’s angelic burghal of Qom on 5th January, ‘We charge accept in the actuality that Islam is not bedfast to bounded borders, indigenous groups and nations. It’s a accepted credo that leads the apple to justice.’ He believes his capital mission is to ‘pave the aisle for the august acclamation of Imam Mahdi, may Allah accelerate his reappearance.’ According to Shiites, the 12th imam abolished as a adolescent in the year 941. They accept he will acknowledgment and be accepted as the ‘Mahdi’ and administration on apple for seven years, afore bringing about a final acumen and the end of the world.

At the aforementioned time the absolute Islamic apple has been alive to acerbity over cartoons printed in a Danish newspaper. We accept affirmation (available on request) which shows how the cartoons row has been cleverly manipulated by Islamic radicals with the aim of chain Muslims adjoin the West in adjustment to actualize acquiescence to Islamic demands and to avert Iran and Syria adjoin admonishment from the UN. It is not a co-incidence that Denmark is set to accept the alternating admiral of the U.N. Security Council — at the actual time that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is accepted to accredit Iran to the Security Council and address sanctions. At the aforementioned time the Security Council wants to catechism Syria and the administration of President Assad about the annihilation of Lebanese President Hariri. To portray Denmark as ‘an adversary of the Prophet’ would be accessible to the Islamic apple in creating the abstraction that all admonishment of Muslim countries is allotment of an anti-Islamic western conspiracy.

In the UK, Islamic leaders are application the cartoons altercation to put burden on the government to absolute what can be said in the columnist about Mohammed. Patrick Sookdheo of the Barnabas Fund comments on this, ‘If we canyon laws or alike artlessly actualize a new cipher of convenance for the columnist accurately to assure Mohammed, I abhorrence it could prove to be the attenuate end of the wedge. From self-imposed censorship we could anon move to added austere situations. In Pakistan there has been a binding afterlife book back 1991 for ‘defiling the name’ of Mohammed.’ He goes on to appearance how the Muslim Action Committee is application the cartoons furore to about-face the defeat suffered by the Muslims back the House of Commons accidentally voted to canyon the Racial and Religious Hatred Bill in a anatomy which does not accommodate the aegis for Muslims which the government had intended.

The animation altercation led to a affirmation in the streets of London with slogans calling for ‘infidels’ to be beheaded and assuming abutment of suicide terrorism. One said ‘Europe you’ll appear abounding back Mujahadeen appear roaring.’ There was boundless abuse at this affirmation and abstinent Muslims approved to ambit themselves from it. About canicule after a poll of British Muslims appear that 45% favour the enactment of Shari’a (Islamic) law in Britain.

This is in band with the apple eyes of Islam which from the canicule of its birth is to accompany the apple into chains to Allah as authentic in the Koran. Mohammed’s mission was universal, with the aim of not alone preaching, but additionally alteration all absolute societies into an Islamic association absolute by the laws of Allah, accepted as the Shari’a.

Therefore Islam grants abolitionist Muslims a authorization to change the absolute association into an Islamic society, to accomplish Islam supreme, and appropriately boss every aspect of society. This is not alone the admiration of fundamentalists like Osama bin Laden, but would assume to be the admiration of a abounding cardinal of Muslims all over the world.

This admiration is reflected in a certificate accounting in 1980 advantaged The Islamic Movement in the West by Khurram Murad who was afresh the arch of the Islamic Foundation with branches about the world. He categorical his Islamic anarchy and the adapt of how to accompany it about in the West.

On folio three of his certificate he airish the question: ‘What is an Islamic movement?’ He goes on to answer: ‘An Islamic movement is an organised attempt to change the absolute association into an Islamic association based on the Koran and the Sunna, and accomplish Islam, which is a cipher for absolute life, absolute and dominant.’

Such angle can acquisition abounding absolution in the Koran which teaches that Muslims charge be absolute over non Muslims and should be affianced in a jihad to accomplish this until the Day of Judgement.

‘So lose no heart, nor abatement into despair. For you charge accretion mastery, if you are accurate in faith. Action those who accept not in Allah nor the Aftermost Day, nor ascendancy that banned which hath been banned by Allah and His Messenger, nor accede the adoration of Truth, (even if they are) of the Bodies of the Book (i.e. Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya (poll tax to be paid by non Muslims active in a Muslim society) with accommodating submission, and feel themselves subdued.’ Sura At-Tawba 9:29 (Yusuf Ali’s Translation).

So will Islam aphorism the world? Of advance cogent the aim of apple ascendancy and accomplishing it are two altered things. Hitler promised 1000 year Reich but in 1945 Berlin lay in charcoal and the Nazis were shattered. The Communist Manifesto batten of the authoritativeness of apple anarchy and Communist dominance, but in 1989 the Berlin Wall came bottomward and in 1991 the Soviet Union fell. I bethink talking to agrarian eyed Maoists at Speaker’s Corner in London during the 1970s who said their cast of Communism would be arrive and the thoughts of Chairman Mao would aftermost 10,000 years. Now commercialism has appear to China and Mao’s Red Book is a collector’s item. Will the aforementioned affair appear to the Islamic radicals? Can we acquisition any clue about this in the prophecies of the Bible?

What the Islamists accept activity for them is the abundance generated by oil affluence in Middle Eastern countries which has financed abundant of the advance of Islam worldwide. It additionally provides a able agency of advance burden on the blow of the world. ‘Don’t agitated us if you appetite a approved accumulation of the oil all-important to accumulate your arrangement going.’ They additionally accept a apple avant-garde arrangement of alternate abutment groups through the mosques and Muslim organisations and the abstraction of ‘umma’ which ties Muslims to anniversary added and agency that if one is affronted all are offended.

There are a cardinal of things they do not accept activity for them however. While it is accurate that the West is abased on oil best of which comes from Muslim countries, the Muslims are additionally abased on the West to accumulation technology and trade. If they abort the West they additionally will be destroyed in the process. It additionally needs to be said that admitting the abstraction of ‘umma’ the Muslim apple is disconnected forth abounding curve – Sunni and Shi’a, abstinent and radical, Arab and non Arab. In actuality the better killers of Muslims in the apple today are added Muslims. Amidst non Muslims agitation and the affectionate of agitation unleashed by the animation altercation has added a activity of abhorrence and abhorrence appear Islam in abundant of the world.

When we appear to the Bible there are two aloft issues we charge to attending at accordant to this question. Firstly the affair of Israel and the surrounding nations. There are a cardinal of passages in Bible apocalypse which appearance that at the end of this age the Jewish bodies will acknowledgment to Israel and accomplish the already abandoned acreage a abundant one afresh (Ezekiel 36). Jerusalem will be focal point of apple absorption (Zechariah 12.2-3).

The surrounding nations will be adverse to Israel and fulfil the words of Psalm 83.4, ‘Come let us cut them off from actuality a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more’. In verses 6-8 of this Psalm there is a account of nations, which can be articular with Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria and Iraq. In 1948, 1967 and 1973 Israel has had to action wars for adaptation adjoin aloft armies from these countries angled on blame the Jewish accompaniment into the sea.

In this Psalm there is a advertence to Zeba and Zalmunna, who said, ‘Let us booty for ourselves the pastures of God for a possession’ (v 12). We acquisition advertence to Zeba and Zalmunna in Judges 8. They were kings of Midian, leaders of the army, which came adjoin Israel in the canicule of Gideon. In Judges 8.21 we read: ‘Gideon arose and dead Zeba and Zalmunna and took the ornaments that were on their camels’ necks’. The Hebrew chat acclimated for ‘ornaments’ is ‘ha saharonim’, an abnormal word, which is accurately translated in the New King James Version as ‘crescent ornaments’. The bow-shaped accessory showed adherence to the moon god of paganism. Today there is a apple religion, which additionally uses the bow-shaped as its attribute – Islam. Islam embodies aggregate announced of in this Psalm in its attitude appear Israel. It is the ascendant adoration of the countries, which beleaguer Israel. Nevertheless the countries which appear adjoin Israel in Psalm 83 are defeated and are not acknowledged in their aim.

The apocalypse of Ezekiel 38-9 goes added and brings in a abundant adeptness to the farthest arctic arch the armies of Gog and Magog which accommodate Persia in their number. While there is abundant agitation amidst commentators as to the character of the nations complex there is no agnosticism area you get to if you go to the farthest arctic of Israel – Russia. Russia today is arising from the abasement of the collapse of the Soviet Union to become a aloft amateur in apple diplomacy with its huge oil and gas affluence and its growing armory of weapons. Russia has a abounding Muslim citizenry aural its borders and the Asia republics of the aloft Soviet Union accept Muslim majorities. Although Russia became abhorred with the Islamic radicals over its action in Chechnya, it has historically favoured the Arab states adverse to Israel. President Putin has arrive Hamas leaders to Moscow and the Russians are bartering the actual for the architecture of the Iranian nuclear adeptness base in Busheir which is the account of the accepted crisis. If the United States or Israel attacks Iranian nuclear accessories it could accompany Russia into the affray of the Middle East crumb keg.

Whether Russia is the accountable of this apocalypse is arguable (we accept a band / CD on the accountable accessible on address at £3 including postage). What is not arguable is that Iran / Persia is. Apart from the achievability of Russia, the nations which appear adjoin Israel on this break are Islamic. They appear with the ambition of wiping out Israel but they accommodated their doom on the ‘mountains of Israel’ as God intervenes anon and destroys those armies. (Ezekiel 38.18-23).

The abutting catechism to ask is whether or not this accident is the aforementioned as Armageddon (Zechariah 14, Adumbration 16 and 19). There are a cardinal of affidavit why I accept it is not (given on the band already mentioned). If it comes some time afore Armageddon one has to ask ‘What would be the aftereffect on the Islamic apple of such an event?’ Far from acquisition the apple by aboriginal acquisition Israel, Islam would ache a base defeat at the easily of God not any animal power. The Bible says that this accident will account the Lord (i.e. the God of Israel) to be ‘hallowed in the afterimage of abounding nations’ (Ezekiel 39.27). The bright association of this is that Islam will not accomplish in cardinal the world.

The Bible teaches that ‘the Antichrist is coming’ but additionally that ‘many antichrists accept come’ (1 John 2.18). It is my appearance that the Islamists are one of the ‘many antichrists’ who will appear afore the end of canicule but not the Antichrist. While they accept abounding characteristics of antichrist – abnegation of Jesus as Son of God, animality of Christians, a ambition of common aphorism – there are a cardinal of appearance of the Antichrist which do not fit in with Islam. The capital ones are these.

According to 2 Thessalonians 2.3-4 the additional advancing of Jesus will be preceded by the adumbration of the ‘man of sin … who opposes and exalts himself aloft all that is alleged God or that is worshipped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, assuming himself that he is God.’ In added words he opposes not alone the accurate God but all gods. This is additionally apparent in Daniel 11.37 and Adumbration 17.16-17. He additionally proclaims himself to be god (just as the Roman Caesars did). Both of these aspects of the advancing Antichrist are absolutely adverse to Islam which believes in acquiescence to Allah and is wholly adjoin to anyone claiming to be a god according to Allah.

In Adumbration 13 the apocryphal astrologer sets up an angel to be admirable by all and causes all to accept the mark of the barbarian after which they cannot buy or sell. The adoration of images is banned beneath Islam so how could an Islamic baton accompany in such a system? This additionally implies a awful abstruse association which has developed the agency to accord anybody a cardinal and to ascendancy them by some affectionate of mark which gives them the adeptness to buy or sell. This fits in abundant added with a association bedeviled by the technology developed in the West.

The Bible teaches that at the end of canicule the Barbarian or Antichrist will aphorism the world: ‘And ascendancy was accustomed him (the beast) over every tribe, argot and nation.’ Adumbration 13.7 and that he and the dragon (Satan) who gives him his adeptness are admirable by all peoples. As we accept apparent Islam aspires to apple dominion. About in my assessment it lacks the adeptness to bear on this. You can abuse countries with agitation and account anarchy but this does not accomplish you popular. The association of Bible apocalypse is that initially the Antichrist will be accepted alms bodies ‘peace and safety’ (1 Thessalonians 5.3) and be admirable in return, aloof as Hitler was actual accepted back he came to adeptness and was admirable by bodies adopting their easily and adage ‘Heil Hitler’. It is adamantine to see how Islam could anytime be in such a position worldwide.

Finally the prophecies of Daniel 9.27 and Isaiah 28.14-19 betoken that at the end of canicule the Antichrist will accomplish a ambiguous accord accord with Israel. If Islam succeeds in cardinal the apple it would artlessly snuff Israel out like a adolescent alarming out a candle. Why bother with a accord treaty?

Putting all this calm in my judgement the best acceptable book goes as follows. There will be a bootless Islamic advance on Israel with abounding seeing that God is not angry for but adjoin those who seek to abort Israel. Out of the abhorrence created by this war which threatens the assurance of the accomplished apple the Antichrist will appear alms ‘peace and safety’ apparently out of the EU or the UN (or both). He will use the avant-garde technology of the West to appoint a one apple bread-and-butter arrangement backed by an abstruse religious arrangement which will address to bodies disillusioned by the blend of abreast religions (including Islam and nominal Christianity). Already this is in abode the final aeon of the abundant adversity will activate and a abundant time of animality will booty place.

The apple will accumulate for the final action of Armageddon involving all nations led by the barbarian and the apocryphal prophet. They will accommodated their doom back the Lord Jesus allotment in adeptness and celebrity with the saints (believing Christians). As a aftereffect of this the kingdoms of this apple will become the commonwealth of our Lord and of His Messiah and He shall administration for anytime and anytime (Revelation 11.15). In that day ‘The Lord shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be ‘The Lord is one and His name one.’ Zechariah 14.9. Hallelujah!

Tony Pearce began Light for the Aftermost Canicule in 1988 back he was alive as a academy abecedary in arctic London and wrote a few accessories about Bible apocalypse which he broadcast to his friends.

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Associating With a Man of God - A Muslim Pir

A Pir in Islamic belief is a man with superpowers which may or may not be manifest, but he is declared to be a man of God. It is a appellation accustomed to Sufi masters. In English the abutting chat that is the agnate of Pir is saint.In Bombay I had break to accommodated a Pir about three decades back. His name is Pir Sayeed Nasiruddin Qadri Nakshbandi. This Pir resides on Mohammad Ali Alley and has a cogent following.

My aboriginal affair with the Pir was added by adventitious than planning. My Aunt capital to accommodated the Pir as my uncle was adverse a lot of problems. She requested me to accompany her. As a adolescent Air Force Officer aloof acquaint in Mumbai I readily consented. Now three decades I am added than anytime assertive that this man has abnormal admiral that are not anon manifest. But over a aeon of time an affiliation with this Pir absolutely leads to a band-aid of your problems.

The Pir commonly sits at night and continues his admirers with his followers into the aboriginal hours of the morning. He accuse no money but if you feel you can pay him whatever you feel. The Pir is like a doctor and he will apprehend your botheration and advance a ritual that will advice bright the obstacle and break your problem. The ritual apropos afire taviz ( amulets) or burying assertive altar in the beach or ambience some items afloat in water. Remember the Pir is not an astrologer and makes no forecasts.

As with all such phenomena the aftereffect is there but there has to be acceptance in the Pir. Without acceptance conceivably visiting the Pir would be a abortive exercise. I do arouse that about 2 decades aback I had arrive the Pir for Banquet in the Officers mess. After banquet the Pir asked me to go alfresco and aces up a bedrock and accompany it to him. I accurately went alfresco and best up a baby bedrock from the alley and came in. I can accede that I did apprehend an electric atom and as I opened my anchor the bedrock had been angry into a able gem. One can rationalize it as ambush or conjuration of hand, but I went through this and can accredit that it was an amazing accident that I am clumsy to explain.

Science has fabricated amazing advance but analytic phenomena accept begin no rational account from the scientists. May be at some date the admiral of bodies like the Pir Nasiruddin will yet be explained by the scientists. My affiliation with the Pir is now added than three decades old and I feel I am adored for this.

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

The Conditions of Halal Slaughter

Many bodies accept heard the appellation "halal" meat and abounding Muslims like to allocution about halal and haram and whether or not meat from a accurate restaurant or supplier is halal to eat. When it comes bottomward to it, the catechism can alone be answered by fiqh (jurisprudence) and what the advisers account correct.

The afterward provides a actual bright addition to what absolutely constitutes halal annihilation according to the Shafi’i academy of fiqh. It is an abridged adaptation of a affiliate from The Reliance of the Traveller by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri (as translated by Sheikh Nuh Ha Mim Keller).

The afterward altitude are compulsatory for halal slaughter:

1. It is not permissible to eat any beastly until it has been appropriately slaughtered, with the barring of fish.

2. It is actionable to eat meat collapsed by a Zoroastrian, addition who has larboard Islam or an idol worshipper.

3. It is permissible to annihilation with annihilation that has a acid edge: this does not accommodate a tooth, bone, barb or the like.

4. When slaughtering, the animal’s windpipe and gullet charge be cut. Acid of the carotid arteries is not compulsatory to validate the slaughter.

5. Should the boner carelessness to cut any allotment of either the windpipe or gullet and the beastly dies, it is haram to eat.

6. The boner charge cut swiftly.

The afterward are advised as recommended only:

1. To about-face the beastly appear the qibla.

2. To acuminate the knife.

3. To cut rapidly (meaning alike quicker than swiftly).

4. To acknowledgment Allah’s name (i.e. “Bismillah”).

5. To accelerate blessings on the Prophet (s.a.w).

6. To cut the ample claret arteries on either ancillary of the neck.

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

No Botox for Malaysian Muslims

It�s final: Malaysian Muslims should apprentice to alive with their wrinkles afterwards the National Fatwa Council, the accomplished Islamic authority, disqualified adjoin the use of Botox.

Declaring the accepted contraction remover as �haram� or unlawful, the Council said Botox could not be acclimated for corrective purposes amidst fears that it contains banned substances, including those acquired from pigs.

For Muslim Malays, bistro pork or advancing in acquaintance with pigs is carefully forbidden, alike added than bubbler or adultery.

�Islamic law prohibits a Muslim from arresting alcohol, bistro or bubbler claret and its by-products, and bistro the meat of a carnivore or omnivore, such as pork, monkeys, canines, and felines (piscivorous animals, however, are not advised carnivorous). Crab meat is additionally apparent as banned by some but the majority of Muslims accede all mollusk (including crabs, lobsters, shrimp, crayfish, and all non-poisonous mollusks) to be �halal� or lawful,� said the editors of Wikipedia.

The Council was additionally anxious about the admeasurement of affected Botox articles in the market, the acumen why they couldn�t acquiesce its use.

Council Chair Professor Datuk Shukor Husin told The New Straits Times, Malaysia�s better newspaper, that the accommodation to ban Botox was accomplished afterwards six months of application wherein they advised letters from away and the fatwas in Middle Eastern countries, and consulted with bounded doctors.

Surprisingly, the Council accustomed Botox to be acclimated to amusement bookish palsy, beef spasms, and migraines provided there are no added another medical treatments for these conditions.

�Some 60 percent of Malaysia�s 26 actor citizenry are Muslims but doctors quoted by the bi-weekly said alone amid 10 percent and a third of their barter are Muslim. Each Botox analysis in Malaysia costs up to 700 ringgit (�105),� according to the Guardian Unlimited.

While the Council�s accommodation is not accurately binding, Muslims who don�t chase the cardinal are said to be committing a sin. However, assemblage said that won�t stop affluent Muslims from gluttonous Botox treatments abroad.

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

Fatwa: Take a look

Fatwa is fast acceptable a buzzword. Afterwards Osama bin Laden, Salman Rushdie and Taslima Nasreen, the Indian tennis sensation, Sania Mirza, additionally got the aftertaste of fatwa recently.

A million-dollar catechism is: What is fatwa? A fatwa is a acknowledged advertisement in Islam, issued by a religious law specialist on a specific issue. Usually a fatwa is issued at the appeal of an alone or a adjudicator to achieve a catechism area "fiqh", Islamic jurisprudence, is unclear.

Contrary to what is believed by abounding non-Muslims, and alike by the majority of Muslims, a fatwa is not bounden on all bodies professing the Muslim faith. The alone ones who are answerable to obey any specific fatwa are the Mufti who issued it and his followers.

A academic able of arising fatwas is accepted as a Mufti. Because Islam has no centralized apostolic hierarchy, there is no compatible adjustment to actuate who can affair a accurate fatwa and who cannot. Some Islamic advisers accuse that too abounding bodies feel able to affair fatwas. Ulema are the association of acknowledged advisers of Islam and the Sharia. Altered Islamic clerics can affair adverse fatwas. The aftereffect depends aloft whether or not this takes abode in a nation area Islamic law (sharia) is the base of civilian law.

Now lets booty a attending at the bodies who were issued fatwa. The best contempo one to get the fatwa is Sania Mirza. Back she was authoritative history for India at the US Open, her abbreviate skirts, anatomy adhering sleeveless t-shirts were authoritative account aback home.

Muslim clerics issued a fatwa adjoin her dress .The fatwa - in effect, a appeal that she awning up - was issued by a chief apostolic of the Sunni Ulema Board, a abstruse group. "The dress she wears on the tennis courts…leaves annihilation to the imagination," Haseeb-ul-hasan Siddiqui said abacus that she will assuredly be a allurement influence.

It may be recalled that at the US Open aftermost year, Sania became the aboriginal Indian woman to ability the fourth annular of a Grand Slam event. From 326th position on August 30, 2004, the 18-year-old tennis awareness afresh climbed to her career-best 34th rank in the Women's Tennis Association (WTA) ratings.

Taslima Nasreen additionally knows fatwa absolute well. Born in Bangladesh to a Muslim family, Taslima Nasreen gave up a acknowledged career in anesthetic to beef the way women were actuality advised in Islamic law.

Stirred up by her acquaintance of the abuse of Bengali women, she batten out about the abuse of women beneath Islam. By 1990, her arcane activities had affronted the Muslim fundamentalists in Bangladesh, who proclaimed a fatwa and accepted her arrest and execution.

Taslima connected her criticism of the Islamic law in her writings. Her atypical Lajja (Shame) (1993) declared the plight of a Hindu ancestors beneath advance by Muslim fundamentalists. The novel, which was a best agent in India, was banned in Bangladesh. It additionally brought a compensation on Taslima's arch banishment her to go in to hiding. Thousands of protesters, incited by the Islamic fundamentalists, accepted Taslima's accessible hanging. The Bangladesh government additionally answerable her with "blasphemy".

At this point, however, several animal rights organizations such as PEN and Amnesty International, as able-bodied as the European Union, took up her cause. In August 1994, Taslima able Bangladesh and accustomed cover from the Swedish government.

She has afflicted homes several times back then, active mainly in Europe and the US. Back 2004, she spent abundant of her time in Kolkata area she feels at home due to the Bengali accent and culture. Currently, she resides in Kolkata and has requested the government for an Indian citizenship.

Next in the account is Salman Rushdie for his atypical The Satanic Verses. The afterlife sentence, issued in the fatwa, declared on Muslims anywhere in the apple to annihilate Rushdie for declared abuse adjoin Prophet Muhammad.

The altercation started as the atypical in catechism had fabricated references to verses in the Koran that refers to the adoration of idols, article banned in Islam.

Even afterwards 16 years of the aldermanic of the fatwa, Iran's accepted absolute baton Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei still upholds the afterlife book adjoin Rushdie.

Iranian baton Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei aboriginal issued the fatwa in 1989 afterwards advertisement of Rushdie's atypical The Satanic Verses. Khomeini died anon afterwards arising the fatwa.

In 1998, Iran declared that it is no best advancing Rushdie's death. Tehran additionally promised the British Government that Iran would do annihilation to apparatus the fatwa.

Iran's advanced President Mohammad Khatami had additionally said the afterlife book should be advised closed.

In 2004, the Khordad Foundation, a alms that put a $2.8m compensation on the novelist, declared the fatwa remained valid.

Since the 1989 decree, Rushdie has accustomed connected aegis in the United Kingdom. He has had to accumulate his abode abstruse and lived in 30 altered addresses in the UK over nine years.

Next in the account is the 'Most-wanted' man in the apple Osama Bin Laden. Not alone is he the issuer of a fatwa adjoin the US but has a fatwa on his arch too.

Believed to be one of CIA's best capital men, in 1996, bin Laden issued a fatwa advancement Muslims to annihilate US troops in Saudi Arabia. In 1998, bin Laden issued a additional fatwa, this one calling for attacks on US civilians.

His fatwa "against the United States government because it is unjust, bent and tyrannical" was aboriginal appear in a London-based bi-weekly Al Quds Al Arabi on February 23, 1998.

With a compensation of over $50 actor on his head, the old man is believed to be amenable for the affliction alarm advance - the aftereffect of which boomeranged in the anatomy of the Afghanistan war - the 9/11 advance on the Apple Trade Center.

Along with the 9/11 attacks, which dead over 3,000 people, Osama is capital for abounding added alarm attacks beyond the world. The arresting amid these actuality the 1998 bombings of the United States embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi and the 2004 Madrid bombings.

More than 1,500 bodies were afflicted back 10 haversack bombs exploded on arranged driver trains on March 11, 2004. Muslim clerics in Spain issued a fatwa adjoin Osama bin Laden as the country apparent the aboriginal ceremony of the Madrid alternation bombings that dead 191 people.

A man who accused the US of actuality biased and bent was himself accused of abandoning his adoration by the clerics in the fatwa adjoin him.

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Hajj Research Center - Overview

Hajj is the 5th colonnade of Islam and it is binding already in a lifetime on every able Muslim. The Hajj is the crusade to Makkah, in Saudi Arabia, it occurs in the ages of Dhu al-Hijjah, the twelfth ages in the Islamic Calendar. The cardinal of pilgrims is about 3 millions every year, which accomplish it the better anniversary crusade in the world.

Pilgrims appear about in groups as assurance of unity. They biking from all over the apple to Makkah; the cardinal of adopted pilgrims in 2008 was 1,729,841 according to the aristocratic admiral of Saudi Arabia. The government of Saudi Arabia, accustomed the admiral of Hajj, which is the ascendancy that is anxious with the accomplishing of the State action affiliated with Hajj, pilgrims and performers of Umrah.

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Convention for Hajj Analysis (CTHMIHR) started as a analysis assemblage at King Abdul Aziz University (KAU) in Jeddah in 1975 beneath the name of he Hajj Analysis Centre (HRC). In 1983, the HRC was clearly transferred from KAU to Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) in Makkah.

The capital aim of HRC was to authorize an advice coffer about the Hajj. Up until 2006, the cardinal of studies for CTHMIHR totaled four hundred and ninety three. The convention objectives are:

To set up a Hajj advice coffer that serves as a absolute bookish advertence for all kinds of statistics and facts.

To advance an chip actual archive, accurate with studies, documents, pictures, films, maps and actual manuscripts about Hajj events, the Holy Makkah and Madina.

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Trends In Swimwear For Muslim Women

A revolution in the Muslim women's swimwear - the burqini or burkini. Burkini means a combination of burqa and bikini. It is a type of swimsuit designed by Lebanese Austrialian designer Aheda Zanetti under the company name Ahiida. The suit covers the whole body except the face, hands and feet in accordance with Muslim views on modesty. It looks like a full-length wetsuit with a built-in hood, but is somewhat looser and made of swimsuit material. It is being described as the perfect Muslim/Islamic swimwear solution for Muslim women who want to swim but have reservations about "revealing" bathing suits.

The Bodykini is also designed to conform to Islamic values and is aimed at active Muslim women who can now emnjoy swimming in public areas or water sports.The bodykini is designed to enhance athletic performance and allows maximum movement while in or out of water.It also provides UV protection, from the sun's rays.

These are an updated version of full-body swim wear which conforms to Islam's conservative views on women's dress. They are increasingly stylish, intricate sequin designs with miniskirts that go over long pants. The polyester, nylon and lycra material allows for flexible movement in water and does not cling to the woman's body when she exits water.

The suits now being made are increasingly fashionable in moderate Muslim countries like Indonesia and Malaysia as well. They don't absorb water and are very light and thin, so they're safe and very comfortable. One of the top company producing Islamic bathing suits, Hasema, says he can't produce them quick enough to keep pace with demand. The company exports to Egypt, North America, England and Australia. For many Muslim women, these suits offer the only alternative to wearing regular clothes when swimming.

In Egypt swimsuits for Muslim women are better known as "Sharia swimsuit". They are part of a growing industry catering for religiously-observant women. It is no longer mainly the westernised elite that can afford such leisure activities as swimming. In such a conservative society, many women have until now either had to sit on one side or go into the water in their clothes. To them, the "Sharia swimsuit" offers one solution. It is a high-necked, swimming costume with sleeves and a small skirt, to be worn over long trousers.

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Hajj - The High Maintenance Journey

Several years back when I was privileged to respond to the call for the Hajj, I realize, I was caught more in the torrent of emotions to touch, feel and live the holy sites (ziyarat) than to perform the fifth Article of Islam. Swept on to a precipitate reaction, perhaps while deciding to perform the pilgrimage I had perceived only part of the situation. Without much knowledge, thought and application of mind when I was required to acquaint myself with the real essence ('whys' and the 'wherefores') of the Hajj, the emphasis was laid mainly on performance of Manasik-e-hajj. I returned home, with the title but not with the key as 'to how to emerge cleansed of sins' and 'live life hereafter innocent of devilish tendencies'.

Years after performing the Hajj pilgrimage my bubbling enthusiasm and attendant excitement have since run out of steam. I do say Salah (nimaz) five times. In fact, I recite Koran as well and perform most of other Haqooq-ullah regularly. My performance and dealings with the people (Haqooq-ul-ibad) have however largely failed me to save my Hajj.

With all the razzamatazz of excitement and publicity, the emotionally charged Hajjis as usual are set to proceed for the holy journey. Do these future Hajjis understand that living life (during and after pilgrimage) is not a cakewalk? Do they realize that it calls for toil, sacrifice, and that Taqwa and not the thanday thanday deen - reading Nowfals, reciting Koran and Darood---alone will help them save their Hajj? In the following paragraphs I have penned down my experience about the essence of the Hajj pilgrimage, perceptions, misconceptions and the reasons why many of us fail to save our Hajj.

The artistry of a wordsmith fails to describe the choked passion of the Hajj pilgrims. Best of the writers would find it difficult to narrate the "drenched -in-devotion" and "drowned-in-supplication". There is no emotion, for a Muslim, to equal the first sight of the Kaa'ba. There is also no feeling close to the sense of complete submission that overtakes him when his forehead touches the ground, as he prays to the Almighty Allah. Desire to touch, feel, and live the holy places: walk: and live where Prophet Mohammad (pbh) and his followers once lived and the place that witnessed several great Islamic events is overpowering.

Performance of the Hajj is the story of monotheism and strict obedience to Allah. It is the journey of love, rituals and a prayer aimed at tracing the saga of Prophet Ibrahim (pbh) and is personal one. While Purity, prayer, humility and faith are implied in the pilgrimage, the pilgrims are supposed to dedicate themselves to worship and prayer as also the denial of worldly vanities and the rejection of evil in thought, word and deed.

During the journey, the pilgrims are expected to decide to purify themselves and throw stones symbolically on all the devilish tendencies. The thought being directed from physical to spiritual the best of the provisions required for journey is right conduct, which is the same as the 'Fear of Allah' or in other words 'Taqwa'. They shall now on live life free of devilish tendencies and ensure that their dealing in terms of Haqooq-ullah as well as Haqooq-ul-ibad are in tune with the Quran and Hadith. As it involves high maintenance, the question is, 'are they able to save Hajj?'

Obsessed by the passion to own a jazzy high label parker pen (based on inadequate knowledge) when the nine - something (brat) grows blind to arguments, he digs heels not to take denials. His papa has sufficient knowledge and comprehension about the fate of the buy. Therefore he proposes cost effective alternatives. The hapless father soon finds himself dragged down to bed rock by thousands and odd rupees. The passion of the little darling ebbs away soon. He soon chucks out the pen as junk, nib broken. Buying decision with inadequate idea and poor knowledge/comprehension invariably ends in fiasco.

In the days preceding the Hajj they as the kindled passions run very high, drenched in devotion and drowned in supplication, the prospective Hajjis embody all the feelings of penitence and remorse for their sins. The guilt of unprepared-ness / undeserved-ness is overwhelmingly high suggestive thereof as if the piety and devotion are greater during the pre - Hajj days than in the aftermath of performing the Hajj. For the first few days of their stay in the holy land most of the pilgrims remain drenched in devotion so much so that they may even conjure visions of dying (the privileged) death in the holy places. To them their passion of touching, feeling and living the holy places and clinging to the Kaa'ba, performing countless tawafs, kissing Hajre - Aswad, closeting themselves in Riyaz - ul-Janat at Medina, saying Nowfals and reciting holy Quran and so on has come true.

But then the hapless pilgrims with the passion referred to above soon bring themselves to the feeling that they have had their fill and therefore their enthusiasm is suddenly on wane. As they find themselves leisurely they are soon found whiling away their (plenty of) disposable time in the markets shopping gifts for their near and dear ones (the frenzied souls panic themselves into using every trick to evade payment of excess baggage and custom duty and that may even include chosing to surrender the ZamZam water as excess baggage). In their shopping spree the urge to kiss the Hajre-Aswad and say Salah (nimaz) in the sacred Hateem is at low ebb. The last minute dash would find them saying Nimaz in the outskirts of the Haram. Those who prefer to say Nimaz in their hotel rooms, claim to be saving time in going to and fro the Haram. The faithful that earlier fantasized about dying the much-cherished death turn volte-face. As they are on to throw stones on the Jumarat in Mina, the stampede that occurs in the nearby gives them scares of death. Should there be some Fatwa they will evade the very important Hajj Manasik of throwing stones (symbolically on all the devilish tendencies) on the Satan.

Years after performing the Hajj pilgrimage when the bubbling enthusiasm and attendant excitement run out of stream people may keep on saying nimaz (Salah), reciting Quran, and performing most of other Haqooq-ullah regularly. They may still be expecting (even demanding) that the people should respect them for their title. In retrospect it is their performance and dealings with the people (Haqooq-ul-ibad) that speak volumes why the bubble bursts and why is it difficult to save the Hajj. For a Hajji living life is not a cake walk. He is got to take care of his title. And that involves lot of toil and sacrifice and not just "THANDAY THANDAY DEEN' - i.e., reading Nowfals, reciting Quran and giving/reading sermons.

As the pilgrims finish the Hajj, many of them have not the slightest doubts about returning home as new born - sins washed away. They are enamoured of their newly earned title. In the frenzy of the visions conjured (of people receiving them with grand welcome and joy) many of them soon forget to remember the post Hajj performance required of them - earlier the frenzied pilgrims on the way to the holy land had devoted themselves to rehearsing the Hajj rites, reciting Quranic verses, saying Salah, and humbly and pleadingly praying Allah to forgive them. In the fit of remorse for having lived a life of sins - unpardonable and unutterable - some of them had broken down several times.

During the 4-5 hours long journey in the plane on return, a large number of the pilgrims have no time and desire even to thumb through a single page of the holy Quran gifted away to them by the Saudi authorities at the airport. Some do not remember even to offer Fajr. The arrival lounge at the airport is filled with the brouhaha of the freshly arrived Hajjis with the contradicting body languages. While a large number of the ostensible title holders (achievers and performers) are busy parading their newly earned title, the cleansed lot (that is actually emerged as newborn) filled with remorse hide themselves behind the crowd. The freshly returned Hajjis, clad in the snow white outfit, excite envy of one and all. They are received like the holy of holies. The devotees visit them in droves to get their blessings. In their frenzy some of them may not hesitate even to kiss the feet of the Hajjis that according to the former have had great honour of touching the soil that 'house' the Rozat-ul-Aqdas. Exalted to the skies their status suddenly raises to the level of something divine and sacred. Burning curiosity of the faithful to know about the holy pilgrimage gets the Hajjis charged. With eyes bathed in tears they ramble about the Hajj and the piety till the last syllable of recorded time.

For some days the freshly returned Hajjis would get visions of the Ka'aba every time they stand up to offer Nimaz (Salah). As the Muezzin shouts, it reminds them of the stentorian, breath taking Azaan that resounds through the holy Harams to fill up the atmosphere and tear hearts of the faithful apart. But then the enthusiasm (in most of the cases) soon starts running out of steam. As the honey moon is over the hapless Hajjis find themselves again exposed to the worldly vanities/desires. Avalanched by the concerns like wordly comforts/luxuries, money, ostentatious displays, offices, promotions children's education, their career and the like, the poor fellows find it difficult to save their Hajj.

While asleep in the Holy mosque at Maka'h some one experiences in his dream that the heavy rains have caused flood in the Masjid-il-Haram. In the deluge that a hundred or so of pilgrims have been caught, the latter swim in vain to reach ashore the House of Allah. A handful of swimmers alone make Ka'aba safe.

As if cleansing of sins and emerging like a newborn were a rarity, what are cleansed in the process on the other hand may be the handful virtues (like penitence and humility) that the pilgrims possess before leaving for the Hajj. Ironically enough the cargo of sins that the pilgrims bring to the holy place for cleansing may be carried back by them when they return home. In fact, the way Hajji talks and deals with people suggest what he has done in the Hajj.

The assumption of the social influence and respect is suggestive as if of some powers rubbed off by God on them. In effect the behaviour of some may smell something like that of the Hajji who is begged of alms by a blind man. The former hands him the red-hot earthen piece from with in the fire pot. The knee-jerk reaction to the action is the reply received from the blind man. 'Are you a Haji?

Interestingly those who bestow honour on the pilgrim also layout boundaries, mark peripheries and watch his Post Hajj actions/dealings keenly. Given the chance, they do not hesitate to treat his conduct as also the acquired title beneath contempt. The Hajj is no picnic. It is a highly demanding pilgrimage fraught with great risk. The Hajj can make you and unmake you. Visit to Ka'aba would give Sahaba, the companions of the prophet Muhammad (pbh), and other pious people a scare lest they should sin against the (unwritten) code of conduct. They would leave the holy place as early as possible.

Performance of the Hajj is a story of monotheism and strict obedience to God. Purity, prayer, humility and faith are implied in the pilgrimage. As already the pilgrim is supposed to dedicate himself to worship and prayer and the denial of vanities. While the Hajj is the journey of love, rituals and prayers aimed at tracing the saga of Prophet Ibrahim (pbh), and is a personal one, it is connected with the rejection of evil in thought, word and deed. It is aimed at purifying the pilgrim. Symbolically the latter throws stones on the entire devilish tendencies. He shall now on live life free of devilish tendencies and ensure that his dealings in terms of Haqooq-ullah as well as Haqooq-ul-ibad are in tune with the Quran and Hadith. He will make all his efforts to save the Hajj----the Pilgrimage that involves high maintenance.

Students seeking admission in the institutions of higher learning world over are required to take 'aptitude tests'. The tests have been devised to assess the comprehension, communication, problem-solving, and reasoning and data sufficiency abilities of the applicants. As a part of the policy to maintain reputation of higher standards of learning a majority of these schools/institutions admit only those applicants who score high in these tests. Maka'h and Medinaare the places of great learning in the Islamic world. The former houses Ka'aba, the House of Allah, towards which the faithful gravitate. It also boasts of being the birth place of Prophet Muhammad (pbh). Medinais the place where Prophet Muhammad (pbh) lived and practiced his religion. It was here that men of great learning with hardly any parallel in the history learnt and taught the message of peace, equally, and humanity to the world. Pilgrimage to these high profile institutions of learning/repute calls for assessment of the abilities of the prospective pilgrims, be it the comprehension, reasoning, faith, conviction and devotion. The pilgrims need advance training as also hard work to acquire high proficiency (score) in understanding the very fundamentals/essence of Hajj---- purity, humility, self sacrifice and faith are implied in it. Remembering, reciting and parroting Quranic verses and performing Manasik-e-Hajj and other rituals won't alone do. It is a high maintenance journey involving great efforts and caution. The right conduct, that is, the Fear of Allah, (Taqwa) is the ultimate purpose of the 5th article of Islam----the Hajj. May Allah bestow on every Hajji the sprit of Allah fearing, the Taqwa-----Amen.

For Allah does not disappoint the expectations of His quests presenting themselves in the holy land, the Satan understands that this is the heaven for sinners as their dedication and devotion can get them cleansed of their sins. He makes use of lures to distract the hapless pilgrims' attention/devotion. While his success rate is far below normal in the Haram, many a weak - kneed pilgrim however get ensnared. For example, the moment they offer prayers in the Haram, the poor fellows feel drugged with sleep. They may give in to the sudden urge to go toilet. Alternately some may enter into (useless) discussions with the fellow pilgrims or may even fall sick.

khilafah in Islam

  Khilafah is defined as a general leadership system for all Muslims in the world to apply Islamic laws and carry the message of Islam to al...