
Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Is the Gospel on Fire in the Muslim World?

A number of news sites -- including faithtelegraph.com -- there are more and more headlines touting "revival" in the Middle East. Surprised by the word "revival"? Perhaps you aren't aware that, yes, there are in fact Christian churches in the Middle East that exist and can be "revived" by a move of God. Indeed, in Erbil, a "Kurdsman Church" was officially recognized by the government. This was apparently a "historic breakthrough." Moreover, some missionaries are projecting 10,000 churches in Iran next year!

As often seems to be the case when there is a new move of God in a new part of the world, signs and wonders abound. Muslims turning to Christ report having dreams in which "Jesus" appeared to them. Does that seem far fetched? Consider the Apostle Paul, who came to Christ through a vision (of sorts) or the Emperor Constantine who saw a cross before him, resulting in the transformation of the Roman Empire into a Christian nation. God is not above (or below) using dreams and visions to reach unbelievers in extreme (or even nonextreme) circumstances.

Whatever the case may be, the transformations are apparently stunning. Former Muslims have contrasted their previous desire to kill for their faith with the incredible love they now have through Christ. One man even recalls wanting to kill his wife because she did not cover her hair! (Tough marriage.)

So what, if anything, has changed? There have obviously been big political changes in the Middle East in recent year (e.g., the Iraq War). Those closest to the events in question, however, attribute this phenomon to, interestingly, prayer. Who'd have thought?

To take just one example of a Christian church on fire in the Muslim World, consider Dubai. Yes, Dubai, home of some of the world's most luxurious hotels and tallest buildings, is also the home of the biggest Christian church.

More than 75% of the Country is Muslim, and Islam is the official religion. In addition, it is illegal to share the gospel with Muslims. Moreover, printing the Bible or other evangelistic materials is not permitted, and there are harsh penalties for converting people from Islam.

Still, relative to other Muslim countires, Dubai is remarkably tolerant of the Christian Church. Like everything else in Dubai, Kings Revival Church is huge: 7,000 members, 24 pastors and 14 services, including 4 in English. It probably comes as no surprise that King's Revival is the largest evangelical church in the Middle East.

The church apparently does not balk at the restrictions on sharing the gospel, taking the attitude of being open to whatever God has for them in the circumstances they are in. And God reportedly has a lot for them: There are reports of remarkable miracles -- cancers being cured, the blind seeing. And the church supports charity and 170 pastors in the Middle East and throughout Asia. It seems likely that Kings Revival and other local churches in the Arab world are responsible for increasing reports of "revival."

Rabu, 25 November 2009

Scientific Miracles Revealed in the Holy Quran

Proponents of all other religions will continually attack and slander the name of Islam. They will say that the Quran (Koran) is vague, is filled with vague prophecies, that it was from the mind of one man, etc. These claims are all false. They either come from ignorant people who have never objectively looked at the Quran, or from those who attack Islam because of hate. There are many passages in the Quran that prove that it is the word of Allah (God).

First, let's examine why the Quran is the word of God. In Surah (chapter) An-Nisa, Verse 82, it is stated, "Will they not, then, try to understand this Qur'an? Had it issued from any but God, they would surely have found in it many an inner contradiction!" Additionally, in Surah Fussilat, Verse 42, it is stated, "... no falsehood can ever attain to it openly, and neither in a stealthy manner, [since it is] bestowed from on high by One who is truly wise, ever to be praised." The tafsir (commentary) on this by scholars (tafsir is needed generally for the people who don't understand Arabic) is that the Quran is free from contradiction because it is sent from God.

Next, there are many scientific proofs that exist in the Quran, revealed about 1400 years ago in a time without microscopes, telescopes, sonograms, etc. Surah 51, Verse 47, states, "And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it." In Arabic, the phrase "inna lamoosi'oona" translated means "it is We Who are steadily expanding it." The prefix "la" means "to a big extent." "Heaven" is translated from "space" or "universe" in Arabic. "We," translated, is the pronoun that isn't showing plurality, but showing the honor/majesty of someone. In this case, it refers to the majesty of Allah. Scientists have confirmed the Big Bang to have occurred, and have said the universe is expanding at a great rate.

In Surah 21, Verse 104, it is stated,"That Day We will fold up heaven like folding up the pages of a book. As We originated the first creation so We will regenerate it. It is a promise binding on Us. That is what We will do." "That Day" refers to the Day of Judgment. The Big Crunch, presented by scientists, says that "...at some point in the remote future all matter in the universe will converge into an infinitely dense point in space, resembling a massive black hole. The end of the universe would then resemble its beginning-a singularity at which the laws of physics as we know them no longer apply" (Encyclopedia of Science and Religion). This refers to folding up heaven. Like at the time of the Big Bang, the universe will return to what it was, referring to "regenerate it." God says that this will undoubtedly happen.

In Surah 41, Verses 10-11, it is stated, "Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke and said to it and to the Earth, 'Come willingly or unwillingly.' They both said, 'We come willingly.'" The Arabic word "dukhaanun" means "smoke." Scientists have said the universe came from a formation of hot gas, resembling the form of smoke.

In Surah 21, Verse 30, it is stated, "Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the Earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe?" The arabic word "ratq" means "blended" or "mixed in each." Before the Big Bang explosion occurred, everything was collected uniformly. Only when it occurred was everything separated. So the universe and Earth were "sewn together" as one, and the explosion "unstitched" them.

There are more proofs about the universe and the paths that the planets follow, but there are scientific miracles in other subjects of study.

Surah 24, Verse 40, states, "Or [the unbelievers' state] are like the darkness of a fathomless sea which is covered by waves above which are waves above which are clouds, layers of darkness, one upon the other. If he puts out his hand, he can scarcely see it. Those Allah gives no light to, they have no light." The sea turns dark at a depth exceeding 600 feet, known as the mesopelagic layer, and is virtually dark beyond 3,000 feet, known as the bathypelagic layer. No human could dive this deep 1400 years ago. Scientists have also confirmed "sub-surface waves", which "occur on density interfaces between layers of different densities," and can only be studied through technology which indicates temperature or salinity changes (Oceanography, A View of Earth).

In Surah 39, Verse 6, it is stated, "... He creates you stage by stage in your mothers' wombs in threefold darkness. That is Allah, your Lord. Sovereignty is His. There is no deity but Him. So what has made you deviate?" Scientists have fairly recently said the embryo is developed in three stages, which can be called the pre-embryonic stage, the embryonic stage, and the fetal stage. This was discovered through microscopes, sonograms, and other inventions that are only available in modern times.

In all honesty, there are more miracles and proofs like this in the Quran. One has to just look at the Quran itself and learn the religion from those who practice it (i.e. scholars), instead of learning it from Christians, Jews, atheists, etc. You don't learn to play basketball from a football coach. Only listen and learn from the Muslims, the people that actually know the religion, and honestly, they will be very happy to teach it to you.

Senin, 23 November 2009

The Eid Festival

Mainly called Eid, Eid-Ul-Fitr (Arabic: Feast of the Breaking of the Fast), Eid is also called Idul Fitri (Indonesia); Shemai Eid (Bangladesh); Hari Raya Puasa, Hari Lebaran (Malaysia); Ramazan Bayrami (Turki).

Eid is a festival that marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. This year, Eid will be celebrated on 2nd October. Celebrated in many different ways depending on the country, some rituals are common to the festival including prayer, exchanging gifts, charity, and visiting near and dear ones.

During the fasting month of Ramadan, followers of Islam observe a very strict and hard to practice fast and take part in pious acts like forgiving those who have hurt them, giving food, gifts etc to charities or poor people, and forging stronger blood bonds. A time of deep spiritual renewal, Ramadan is a chance for all followers of Islam to seek the blessing of the Allah and seek His forgiveness of their sins. At the end of the 39 days fast, Muslims from the world over being a 3-day celebration to mark the end of the fasting period and this is called Eid Ul Fitr.

Eid ul Fitr falls on the first day of Shawwal, the next month after the Ramadan according to the Islamic calendar. Recognized for the various festivities, celebrations, and rituals, Eid is a time to reunite with family and friends and renew and forge new bonds.

Just as in other Islamic countries, Eid in Pakistan is celebrated with much fervor and enthusiasm. When the new moon is sighted the people break their 29/30 days fast and enjoy a hearty and rich meal, wearing their best and newest clothes but not before reciting Takbir and offering special prayers to praise the Allah. Lasting 3-days, Eid ul Fitr is also called 'The Lesser Eid' (Choti Eid) as compared with Eid Ul Adha, which lasts for a period of 4-days and is termed as 'The Greater Eid' Bari (Eid).

Typically, people wake up very early, offer the first 'Namaz' or prayer and then eat a small meal to start the day. After this, they visit the mosque or any other large open area (in their neighborhood) to attend the specially organized congregational prayers. These Eid prayers (salah) are short and mostly followed by sermons (khutba) followed by the forgivingness and mercy prayer (dua). Once completed, all Muslims greet and hug each other as a goodwill gesture and love. After these special prayers are complete, it's time for merriment and the 3 days long festivities that are observed in every home. During this time, people also visit their relatives and friend and thank Allah for blessings.

Eid ul-Fitr is a happy occasion with significant religious meaning, celebrating the accomplishment of enhanced devoutness. It is a day of pardon, moral victory, peace, fellowship, sodality and unity. Muslims commemorate not just the end of the Ramadan month, but also thank Allah for giving them self-discipline and strength. It's generally a time of sharing, giving, and forgiving. It's a time to enjoy what you have, to dress in holiday clothes, spend time with family, and in all this always thank God for his benevolence and love.

Jumat, 20 November 2009

How to Become a Muslim?

Hello my precious brother,

I have frequently mentioned in my previous articles that Islam is accepting to receive His divine education by being subject to the will of Allah. Since the creation of the first human being, those who had adopted this divine education reached the peak of maturity and therefore became the owner of a perpetual happiness. Those who had not agreed to this divine offer and preferred to be the subject of their egos' worthless desires on the other hand, could get rid of neither the worldly nor the hereafter troubles. The latter also create inconveniences for the people around them in as much as they were in trouble themselves.

Must firstly believe in Allah, in his messengers and in all their messages

In order to accept Islam, in other words to become a Muslim, first of all it is necessary to believe in a unique creator, Allah (God) as well as to recognize that He has created all the material and spiritual alems (worlds), that He has absolute sovereignty over all things which were created by Him; and that He keeps them in existence by supplying their needs. Allah (God) does not have assistants, partners, coequals or similars. He always treats his creatures with mercy and justice; He is free from all defects and deficiencies and He is the owner of an endless power and might.

It is also necessary to believe all His prophets (including Mohammed aleyhissalam) and their messages which were sent to enable human beings to reach eternal happiness by making them go through a divine education.

The last ring of this prophet chain is Mohammed aleyhissalam. Mohammed aleyhissalam has corrected the false comments that came out in earlier times with the last book Qur'an that was revealed to Him. He also notified the human beings of the rules that are valid all the time and that make people happy eternally.

Anyone who believes in such manner and declares his belief with the words "Lailahe illallah, Mohammeden rasulullah" (There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is His prophet) can become a Muslim. This declaration of the faith is called the Shahada. This oral declaration is important in terms of the law and procedures, but indeed the belief is the essential element.

Messengers are salvation guides and none of them is God

It is also necessary to believe in Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah aleyhissalam and all other prophets, and their messages. All of them are the most selected creatures of God and all were sent to show the correct living style. It is necessary to respect and to be grateful to all of them. Yet it is very wrong to divinize the prophets (they were humans just like as us) and such manner is certainly not admissible before Allah. Allah is the only one God.

"Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed." (Qur'an, Nisáa, 48)

"They say: 'Allah hath begotten a son!' - Glory be to Him! He is Self- Sufficient! His are all things in the heavens and on earth! No warrant have ye for this! Say ye about Allah what ye know not?" (Qur'an, Yunus, 68)

"Say: He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him." (Qur'an, ikhlas, 1-4)

The fundamental of Islam: the God's unity faith

One must never be hesitant in the matter of "The Unity of God".

"No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him: (if there were many gods), behold, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some would have lorded it over others! Glory to Allah. (He is free) from the (sort of) things they attribute to Him!" (Qur'an, muminun, 91)

The fundamental of Islam is the "only One God" belief that is expressed with the words "There is no God, but Allah."

Becoming a Muslim is a very easy process. There is no need to apply to an authority or to conduct any religious ceremony. There is also no specific time or a specific location required. Any point of the universe is appropriate for becoming a Muslim, to live Islam, and to worship God, being clean is sufficient.

Cleanliness of the surroundings, body and heart is the basis of Islamic worships. The first step of the divine education after the Belief is the cleanliness. (Cleanliness is of faith. Hadith) For this reason, one must be cleaned with ablution by washing his mouth, nose and the whole body after accepting to receive God's divine education with the repetition of the shahada.

Since the essence of Islam is submission to the will of Allah taala, one should start all his work with Allah taala's name by reciting "besmele." He must also intend to do any work for the contentedness of Allah taala.

(Besmele is to recite "Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahim" "In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful")

Should first learn the essence of a correct faith

My dear brother,

A person must first learn the essence of the Islamic belief after becoming a Muslim (by saying the shahada). As I often emphasized so far, the fundamental of Islam is the "One God" belief and a correct faith. An individual should not try to learn Islamic knowledge through asking questions to any ordinary Moslem around him. He must learn Islam from the books written by ahl-i sunnah scholars. The correct faith is the belief that is underlined in these books. We must strengthen our faith according to the true knowledge in these books.

Then must try to obey the commands and refrain from the prohibitions of the religion

After learning the God's commands and prohibitions, a person must try to obey these rules as much as he can do. I have given briefly these commands and prohibitions in my subsequent article titled "The Golden Rules of An Eternal Happiness". A person should learn the details of these rules from the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) books. In this way he reaches to maturity and perfectness in this world as fast as possible if he is sincere in learning and applying them. He becomes a truthful, dependable, well-mannered, polite and an excellent human being. He is loved and respected by everyone, everywhere.

A man who is sincere in his faith becomes also sincere in his acts, in his statements, in his friendships and in his love. If a man is genuine in his belief and his acts, and also tries to accomplish his worship duties as far as he can do within his knowledge, Allah taala teaches him the things that he doesn't know. "Allah taala teaches him the things that he doesn't know" means that He creates the necessary reasons for the one to learn.

Selasa, 17 November 2009

Ramadan the Holy Month of Islam

Ramadan falls on ninth month of Islamic lunar calender. During this blessed month Muslims around the word abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs in the daylight. Muslims believe its time to purify the soul, focus attention on God and practice self-sacrifice.

Ramadan is the month of re-evaluation in which Muslims re-evaluate their life according to the Islamic guidance. It is the time to strengthen ties with family and friends and to clean up mind body and soul to lead a peaceful life. The Arabic word "Sawm" (Fasting) which literally means "to refrain" - It means not only refraining from food and drink, but from evil actions, thoughts and words.

Ramadan is the time to cleanse up the body and soul from all impurities and re-focus on self and God. During Ramadan every part of the body must be restrained to attain the purity. The tongue should be restrained from unwanted gossip and backbiting. Eyes must not look at unlawful things and hand must not touch or take anything that does not belong to it. Ears must not listen to idle talk and obscene words. In such a way, every part of the body observes the Sawm to attain purity.

Fasting is mandatory on every Muslim and starts everyday in Ramadan at the break of dawn and ends at sunset. The following exemptions are allowed as Allah does not want to put you to difficulties :

1.the insane;
2.Small children who are not adolescent;
3.the elderly and chronically ill for whom fasting is impossible;
4.pregnant women can postpone the fasting at a later time;
5.travelers can also defer their fasting.
6.fasting is also forbidden for women during the period of menstruation and should be made up later.

Tips to make Ramadan a special one :

1. Keep in touch at least once a week with your family, friends or with all your loved ones and share three Ramadan-related things you've done in the last ten days of Ramadan. Also don't forget to send Ramadan e-cards to all your friends and loved ones.
2. Help your friends or family members if they are facing any problem in their life, keep an open heart to others. Don't miss any small opportunities for gaining blessings.
3. Decorate your space with Ramadan balloons, banners and streamers and boost the environment.
4. Choose at least five goals to pursue this Ramadan. Try to curbing all your bad habit and start something good , doing this will help you to change for the better. It takes 21 days to establish a good habit. With Ramadan, we've got 30. Why not make the best of it by picking up the good?
Ramadan is a time for contemplation, spirituality and brotherhood, it unites all Muslims in fasting, feasting, worship and prayer. It. Set the mood of Ramadan and make it a special one.

Jeff Young is a freelance writer, who writes about events, relationship, love, friendship and other subjects revolving about what it means to be human. Visit to know more about the Ramadan e-cards

Jumat, 13 November 2009

Online Holy Quran With Tajweed

Holy Quran says:

"In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding"

Well Holy Quran does talk about the desert some of it imagery describes the desert but it also talk about sea, stars, life and mountains. The Quran is the last revealed word of Allah and the basic source of Islamic teachings and laws. The Quran deals with the basis of creeds, morality, and history of humanity, worship, knowledge, wisdom, God-man relationship, and human relationship in all aspects. Comprehensive teaching on which, can be built sound systems of social justice, economics, politics, legislation, jurisprudence, law and international relations, are important contents of the Quran. Hadith, sayings and actions of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), meticulously reported and collected by his devoted companions. Explained and elaborated the Quranic verses.

The interesting attitude that exists in Quran repeatedly deals with its advice to the reader. The Quran informs the reader about different facts and then gives them advice. Quran is the miracles of Prophecies, Language, Style and Scientific Revelations.The Holy Qur'an is not only a Miracle. It is a Miracle Performer. It brought out the Miracle of transforming an extremely ignorant and backward society into the guardians of knowledge and learning.

If you want to know more about this or that or if you doubt what is said then you should ask those who have knowledge. This is a surprising attitude. It is not usual to have a book that comes from some one without training in geography, biology etc who discuss this subject and then advise the reader to ask men of knowledge if he doubts anything. Yet in every age there has been Muslims who have followed the advice of the Quran and made surprising discovery. If one looks the work of Muslim scientists of many centuries ago, one will find them full of quotations from the Quran. Their work stated that they had done research in such places, looking for some thing.

khilafah in Islam

  Khilafah is defined as a general leadership system for all Muslims in the world to apply Islamic laws and carry the message of Islam to al...